Monday, July 4, 2016

Like Father Like Son, an Ole Greek Adage

Hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky had friends in high places when he bet big on a Greek economic recovery, but even the keen interest of his mother-in-law, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wasn't enough to spare him and his investors from financial tragedy.

In 2012, Mezvinski, the husband of Chelsea Clinton, created a $325 million basket of offshore funds under the Eaglevale Partners banner through a special arrangement with investment bank Goldman Sachs. The funds have lost tens of millions of dollars predicting that bailouts of the Greek banking system would pump up the value of the country’s distressed bonds. One fund, exclusively dedicated to Greek debt, suffered near-total losses.

Clinton stepped down as secretary of state in 2013 to run for president. But newly released emails from 2012 show that she and Clinton Foundation consultant, Sidney Blumenthal, shared classified information about how German leadership viewed the prospects for a Greek bailout. Clinton also shared “protected” State Department information about Greek bonds with her husband at the same time that her son-in-law aimed his hedge fund at Greece. Click the link below.

The skeletons in Bill Clinton’s closet are the least of Killary’s worries.  Daughter Chelsea’s father-in-law, convicted felon Ed Mezvinsky, is under fire from his former fraud victims. According to the unlucky dupes, Mezvinsky stole more than $10 million and has yet to pay it back!
Mezvinsky, the father of Chelsea’s husband, Marc, served five years in federal prison after pilfering $10 million from investors. He was released in April 2008, but a special investigation by The National ENQUIRER uncovered the fact that he’s currently accused of being in violation of his plea agreement — because he hasn’t paid back his victims!
“It’s a little irritating that he brags about his son’s [$10.5 million] apartment when his son should loan him the money to pay back his debt!” one angry victim, Dr. Jason Theodosakis, said. “He could borrow the restitution!

Dr. Theodosakis, co-author of the best-seller The Arthritis Cure, hired Mezvinsky to handle a contract negotiation, but he ended up draining him of more than $600,000, according to court documents.
Another victim, financial consultant Joseph Klieber, says he lost $157,000 to Mezvinsky, and was shocked by how he was repaid, with a “nice handwritten letter” from Mezvinsky saying he was sorry.

Mezvinsky, now 77, pled guilty to 31 counts of bank, mail and wire fraud in 2003 after using his friendship with the Clintons to win over his victims.

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