Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Friday, July 15,16 Another Night of Rage

Image result for violent demonstrations July 15th

In addition to the information below Your Watchman has rec'd second hand confirmed information from the Mephis, TN. police dept. and the Shreveport, Louisiana police dept. that blacks are going to begin shooting whites at night at gas stations. If it happens in these two cities it will probably spread to your town.

Violent anti-police rallies are scheduled in 37 US cities for this Friday, July 15. These rallies are being promoted on the “dark web”. Your Watchman does not know what the dark web is.  The rallies will begin at 7 PM eastern US time.  
SuperStation95, the link is below, has obtained access to this information. If it goes as planned, many cities in the United States will erupt in violence, under the guise of being a "Nationwide Call To Action" against police brutality.

While this "National Call to Action" is what appears on the regular Internet to lure people in, on the Dark Web.The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that are publicly visible, but hide the IP addresses of the servers that run them. Thus they can be visited by any web user, but it is very difficult to work out who is behind the sites. And you cannot find these sites using search engines. 
Friday night is being called a "Day of Rage" and plans are being pursued for hideous and widespread violence! The cities named in the Dark web posting are listed below. Superstation95 is in NY city.

1.  Phoenix, AZ 
2.  Tuscon, AZ
3.  Little Rock, AR 
4.  San Francisco, CA
5.  Oakland, CA
6.  Los Angeles, CA 
7.  Denver, CO
8.  Washington DC: 
9.  Atlanta, GA
10.       Tampa, FL
11.       Orlando, FL
12.       Miami, FL
13.       Chicago, IL
14.       Des Moines, IA 
15.       New Orleans, LA
16.       Baltimore, MD
17.       Boston, MA
18.       Detroit, MI
19.       Lansing, MI
20.       Ann Arbor, MI
21.       Minneapolis, MN
22.       St. Louis, MO
23.       Carson City, NV
24.       Manhattan, NY 
25.       Newark, NJ
26.       Durham, NC
27.       Columbus, OH
28.       Cleveland, OH
29.       Portland, OR
30.       Philadelphia, PA 
31.       Pittsburgh, PA
32.       Nashville, TN
33.       Memphis, TN
34.       Austin, TX
35.       Salt Lake City, UT
36.       Seattle, WA

37.     Milwaukee, WI

Why are these protests being organized when statistics compiled by government, and verified by media show that of 509 persons killed by police in the USA so far this year the racial breakdown is as follows:

White 238
Black 123
Hispanic 79
Unknown 46
Other 23

More white people have been killed by police than blacks, you don't see white people rioting and trying to kill police.  
Speaking of killing police, it should be noted that so far this year 124 police officers in the USA have been killed in the line of duty.  That's right, more cops died than Blacks.

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