Saturday, July 9, 2016

Comey's Devastating Testimony

Image result for Comey testifies before Congress

Hillary’s years of lies thinly covered by her illegal at-home email servers are rapidly coming apart thanks to yesterday’s testimony by FBI Director Comey.
The situation was revealed to be so serious that Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan has written a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking if Hillary and her top aides will be allowed access to classified briefings after her nomination.
“It would send the wrong signal to all those charged with safeguarding our nation’s secrets if you choose to provide her access to this information despite the FBI’s findings.”
Yesterday’s hearings were not only damning to the former Secretary of State but to the Director of the FBI as well.
No, her intent was to be sure that everything that could be politically embarrassing, or worse, criminal – was removed.
Gowdy - I don’t believe that. Her attorney’s primary mission was not to look for work-related emails. Their primary mission was to keep Clinton out of jail. That meant Clinton Foundation stuff would be the primary thing. I don’t think even classified material would be a higher priority for them. They had to read them. Impossible that they did not.
Comey is stretching so far to excuse her behavior, it’s beyond belief.

However, according to today’s Wall Street Journal, several national security experts say it will be virtually impossible to stop Mrs. Clinton from getting her hands on additional classified material – and even designating members of her staff who will have access as well.
According to Anthony Cordesman, former Pentagon director of intelligence assessment: “If the president wants to give clearances to somebody, well guess what, they are the commander-in-chief.”

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