Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who Was Omar Mir Seddique?

Patriots, as I watched the first reports of the Orlando Muslim terror attack I was struck by an oddity. I thought what Afghani is named Matten? Having worked counter-terrorisfm for several years I knew that was not an Afghani name, or at least it was a very unusual Afghani name. My suspicions paid off two days later when the excellent investigative journalist, John Rappaport reported on Mateen's name.

"...Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who researches national security law at New York University's Brennan Center for Justice, said, 'They're [the FBI] manufacturing terrorism cases.'" 

The website Cryptogon has pieced together some interesting facts, and a quite odd "coincidence" concerning Omar Mateen.  

First of all, the Orlando Muslim terrorist, Omar Mateen, changed his name in 2006.  "Records also show that he had filed a petition for a name change in 2006 from Omar Mir Seddique to Omar Mir Seddique Mateen." This is odd because names are very important in the Afghani culture that honors and respects a person's "father".

Why is that important?  Why is his original last name, Seddique, also spelled Siddiqui, significant?  Because of a previous terrorism case in Florida, in which the FBI informant's name was Siddiqui.  And because that previous case may have been one of those FBI “set ups”, where the informant was used to falsely accuse a suspect of a terrorist act. 

"This is not the first time that the F.B.I. has attracted 
criticism from national-security experts and civil-liberties groups for generating terrorism cases through sting operations and confidential informants. In 'The Imam's Curse,' published in September, John Rappaport reported on a Florida family that was accused of providing 'material support' to terrorists. In that case, a father, Hafiz Khan, and two of his sons were arrested. The charges against the sons were eventually dropped, but Hafiz Khan was convicted and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. At Khan's trial, his lawyer, Khurrum Wahid, questioned the reliability of the key FBI informant in the case, David Mahmood Siddiqui. Wahid accused Siddiqui, who'd had periods of unemployment, of lying to authorities because his work as a confidential informant was lucrative. For his role in the case, Siddiqui had received a hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars, plus expenses. But in a subsequent interview Siddiqui stood by his testimony and motives: “I did it for the love of my country, not for money.”

The website Cryptogon, which pieced this whole story together, comments: "What are the odds that an FBI informant in a previous Florida terrorist case shares the same last name as the perpetrator of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history---also in Florida, Omar 
Mateen a lone wolf  security cop with multiple acknowledged contacts with the FBI, who was formerly listed on the terrorist watch list and associated with a suicide bomber... while holding a valid security guard license?"


And in case you think Siddiqui is a common last name, here is a statement from Mooseroots: 

"Siddiqui is an uncommon surname in the United States. When the United States Census was taken in 2000, there were about 4,994 individuals with the last name "Siddiqui," ranking it number 6,281 for all surnames. Historically, the name has been most prevalent in the Southwest, though the name is actually most common in Hawaii. Siddiqui is least common in the southeastern states."

If for some reason the name Siddiqui throws you off, suppose the last name was, let me make something up, Graposco?  A few years ago, an FBI informant in Florida, Graposco, appeared to have falsely accused a man of terrorist acts---and in 2016, another Graposco, who changed that last name to something else, killed 50 people in a Florida nightclub shooting---after having been investigated twice by the FBI?  Might that coincidence grab your attention?   

Again---the 2016 Orlando shooter had extensive contact with the FBI in 2013 and 2014.  The FBI investigated him twice and dropped the investigations.  The FBI used an informant in a previous Florida case, and that informant had the same last name as the Orlando shooter. It's quite possible the previous informant, Siddiqui,  was told to give a false statement which incriminated a man for terrorist acts.  

You can say this is a coincidence.  Maybe it is.  But it seems more than odd.  Are the two Siddiqui men one and the same? I think so.

Was the Orlando shooter involved in some kind of FBI plan to mount a terror op or "drill" that was supposed to be stopped before it went ahead, but wasn't?  Was the Orlando shooter "helped" over the edge by the FBI from having "radical ideas" to committing mass murder?

There seems to be a rule: if a terror attack takes place and the FBI investigates it, things are never what they seem.

As the LA Times, reports, the FBI investigated Mateen on two occasions (LA Times, June 13, "Orlando terror attack live updates..."): “While working as a courthouse guard in 2013, Mateen made 'inflammatory and contradictory' statements to co-workers about having relatives in Al Qaeda, the radical Sunni terrorist group, [FBI Director] Comey said. Mateen also claimed to be a member of Hezbollah, Lebanon's Shiite militia, and his remarks drew an 11-month FBI investigation, Comey said. Both groups oppose Islamic State. Patriots, 11 months is a long time for the FBI to investigate someone. Personally, I think they had some dirt on Mateen/Siddiqui and they found their “false flag” operative.

"Comey said the FBI also briefly investigated Mateen in 2014 for allegedly watching videos by Al Qaeda propagandist Anwar Awlaki and attending the same mosque as an American who would later become a 
suicide bomber for Al Nusra Front in Syria -- another Al Qaeda affiliate opposed to Islamic State. 

"Both investigations were closed without charges."

Did the FBI just investigate the Orlando shooter?  Or did they in some way enlist him in an operation or use him as a patsy in a "false flag" operation to build the case for taking away American guns?

Is it merely a terrible mistake that enabled the shooter to work nine years for G4S, the world's "biggest guarding company" and one of the biggest contractors to the DHS.  

Is it merely a terrible mistake that G4S was aware the FBI was investigating the shooter in 2013 and did nothing about it?

Or did some federal group intervene and tell all parties to leave the shooter alone and in place---because he was part of an operation?

Patriots, we have seen this modus operandi several times before by evil people within our government.

Finally, on a separate note,  I watched and listened closely to Director Comey’s comments about the Orlando terrorist attack and I must confess I came away severely disappointed in him. Quite frankly I do not have much faith in his leadership when it comes to investigating Killary Clinton. Unfortnately, the FBI, in my opinion, has become a highly politicized law enforcement agency.

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