Friday, June 10, 2016

The Satanic Goddess

Friends and Patriots, 

I'd like to remind you that Killary attended satanic coven meetings in California when Bill was governor of Arkansas.

In the video below CNN is already worshiping at the feet of their Semiramis goddess Hillary Clinton. CNN depicts her as a glowing angel of light. 

Friends, CNN is making Killary Semiramis, the mother and wife of Nimrod. Semiramis became the Queen of Babylon and became a cult religion that survives down to this day. Nimrod, a fierce hunter, built the first fortresses in human history. The Roman religion and cult of the mother and child derived from Semiramis. Personally, I think Clinton believes she is a goddess. 

Patriots, we cannot believe anything that Clinton News Network (CNN) produces. CNN's depiction of Killary is a journalistic crime. Click the link below, Alex Jones has nailed Killary.

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