Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Nightmare In Iraq


Above, Sunni prisoners in Iraq; on a recent high level mission to Iraq, a team from Amnesty International were taken to a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. What they found here was shocking. They were not allowed to take any pictures or shoot video. 

Your Watchman is a veteran of the Iraq war. As a veteran of the Iraq I can't begin to tell you how horrible that warehouse in the video is in the Iraqi heat. Quite frankly, I think I would die in such conditions. Imagine yourself locked in an non air-conditioned building with hundreds of other people in the hot desert with little water. 

We never treated our prisoners like this in Iraq.  

I pray that Yeshua comes back today to free this wicked world. The video epitomizes the war between Shia Islam and Sunni Islam. The prisoners in the video are Sunnis who are automatically suspected of cooperating with or belonging to ISIS. The guards are obviously Shia. Click the link below.

Below, a picture of Sunni prisoners in Iran.

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