Sunday, June 12, 2016

Middle East News and Middle East Prophecy Update June 12, 16

Middle East prophecy update with Pastor Faraj; begin at the 6 minte 30 second mark; click the links below.

Above, a father mourns for his losses in Aleppo; South Front reports on Syrian diplomatic games. Click the links below.

Sitrep in Syria June 10, 16; the battle for Aleppo

Libyan forces claim to have seized control of the port in the city of Sirte, the most-important ISIL stronghold outside of Syria and Iraq. The troops, loyal to the United Nations-backed unity government in Libya, are said to have hit positions held by the Islamist militants with air and missile strikes. Brigades largely made up of fighters from Misrata launched a counter-attack in May. This week, according to a spokesperson, they have pushed back the militant group along the coastal road.

Pastor Begley interviewed with Shimon Tov and he revealed a deep secret that Ariel Sharon had signed a deal with the Palestinians for a “Two State Solution”. Yasser Arafat refused the building of The Third Holy Temple on the Temple Mount next to the Dome of The Rock. Years have passed and the Israeli Public has never been told that there was a secret deal signed for Two States. Now Rabbi Yehudi Glick, an Israeli Knesset member has stated there is "No Two State Solution any more" Glick apparently knows about the secret deal made by Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres and Arafat.

Friends, you will recall that in August 2005 Sharon expelled the Jews from Gaza; the Jews call the expulsion "Tokhnit HaHitnatkut". 

Very shortly thereafter Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke on Jan 4, 2006.

Ariel Sharon remained in a coma until he died on Jan. 11, 2014.

Personally, I believe God struck Sharon down for giving away Israel's land.

Tensions are increasing in the eastern Mediterranean as the U.S. military will have two aircraft carriers in the Med this month ahead of a NATO summit in Warsaw as Washington seeks to “balance Russian military activities”.

The USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier will hand off to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower when it arrives en route to the Gulf, allowing the Truman to head back to the United States after an extended eight-month deployment, Navy officials on board the Truman said.

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