Sunday, June 26, 2016

Final Warning, Get Out Now!

Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says his big cycles measure 252 years (2016). 1764 (the British Currency Act) was the beginning of the last cycle, and there was turmoil then too. Polny explains, “We are out of time, and 2016 will be judgement, and there is all kinds of judgement that the Bible talks about. This is a judgement cycle. Last time there was the currency act of 1764 (imposed on the U.S. by Britain). They forced Britsh currency on the colonies, and the American colonies got poverty, hunger, joblessness, anger and then the Revolutionary War. That same cycle is repeating now. There’s going to be wars and rumors of war. There’s going to be poverty. There is going to be hunger. There’s going to be all these things happening, and I think it’s going to be sudden.”

Polny predicts that people will catch what he calls “gold fever.” Polny explains, “The moment gold goes vertical, people are going to realize gold is money. Gold actually is insurance against paper money. When paper money fails, then your insurance policy pays out with money, gold money. So, it’s just that simple. . . . Gold is only an asset and insurance policy if you are holding it.”

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