Sunday, June 12, 2016

Bilderberg Orchestrated The 1973 Oil Embargo and 2016 Bilderberg News

The Bilderberg Group orchestrated the 1973 Oil Crisis and talked OPEC into playing along to ensure that Anglo-American oil companies with ties to Bilderberg would profit from oil exploration in the North Sea. The int'l oil companies needed a higher price for oil in order to make North Sea drilling cost effective. Click the links below.

The 2016 Bilderberg meeting members are on edge as the liberty movement explodes all across the globe. This year's meeting had a lot of technology CEOs and politicians attending. Reportedly, the Chinese were not welcome. This year's topics included Brexit and stopping Trump.

Below, WeAreChange reports from Bilderberg 2016 in Dresden. We saw Sylvie Goulard (ALDE-parliament minister) arrive, leave the hotel and later talk to Thomas Enders (CEO-Airbus). It is no coincidence that one of the topics of Bilderberg 2016 is Brexit and that both persons are opposed to Brexit. Enders made a short comment on Brexit. Since 1954 the Bilderberg has been an EU-lobbying and networking club, advised by Rockefeller, whose influence reaches wotldwide.

There was a reunion at Bilderberg 2016 when activist journalist Tilman Knechtel shook the hand of Italian Rothschild Banking Head Franco Bernabè. Mr Tilman then called out the banking minion for lying to him on a train station platform last year when the Bilderberg meeting was held on a remote mountain top outside of Innsbruck Austria.

Disgraced General David Petraeus goes out for a jog and Infowars Reporter Rob Dew asks him if he had to resign over an email scandal isn't it only fair that Hillary Clinton resign from the Democratic Party for doing even worse.

Bilderberger elite plan to crash the world economy by end of the Jubilee 2 October 2016:

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