Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Secret G-20 Meeting

Dr. Walker Todd, pictured above, is heading to Ireland this summer for a secret G-20 meeting.
Dr. Todd was an economic consultant with 20 years of experience at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He is also a member of the Cato Institute‘s new Center for Monetary Financial Alternatives as one of its Adjunct Scholars.  
Ireland is one of the few places left in Europe that is safe. Further, Ireland is home to one of the most notorious criminal globalists, Peter Sutherland, pictured below.
Sutherland orchestrated the Gulf crisis and now he will be “managing” the border crisis.
Sutherland is a globalist who master minded the BP Gulf Oil Spill. he will be behind what is coming with the United Nations take down of the United States.
Peter Sutherland is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, he is an Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (2010-present), he was Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (Europe) (2001–2010) and Sutherland was Vice Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (2006–2009). Sutherland was also the former head of the World Trade Organization and the related GATT. More to the point of this article, Peter Sutherland is the head of the UN Migration Council. This means that this elite insider will ultimately determine who will live where and under what conditions. And the fact that the G-20 is secretly meeting is his nation is no coincidence.
Dr. Todd stated on March 12, 2015 that the Luciferians will take down America with the following scenario:
(1) A false flag, more than likely a scenario resulting in economic collapse and the destruction of the dollar
(2) The implementation of martial law, perhaps involving the use of foreign troops; and
(3) All out conflict.
If Dr. Todd’s prediction is accurate, it fits in with what other sources are saying is coming in the very near future that will result in the fall of America. a false flag even would be used as a pretext to invoke martial law. Martial law would then be used as the excuse to begin gun confiscation. Gun confiscation will be used to disarm American citizens prior to subjugating the country by using foreign mercenaries.
Further, we have two important pieces which would factor into a planned collapse of the United States and Europe, namely, banking and population redistribution. Additionally the power grid and banks are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Also, a global food crisis could be brought into play. Consider the dire situation in communist Venezuela.
Venezuelans search for anything to eat. Despite having s Ireland is one of the few places left in Europe that is safe. Further, Ireland is home to one of the most notorious criminal globalists, Peter Sutherland.
Sutherland orchestrated the Gulf crisis and now he will be “managing” the border crisis.
Sutherland is a globalist who master minded the BP Gulf Oil Spill. he will be behind what is coming with the United Nations take down of the United States.
Peter Sutherland is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, he is an Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (2010-present), he was Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (Europe) (2001–2010) and Sutherland was Vice Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (2006–2009). Sutherland was also the former head of the World Trade Organization and the related GATT. More to the point of this article, Peter Sutherland is the head of the UN Migration Council. This means that this elite insider will ultimately determine who will live where and under what conditions. And the fact that the G-20 is secretly meeting is his nation is no coincidence.
Venezuela has some of the world’s richest oil reserves yet dogs, cats, and pigeons are being hunted and eaten. Soon, there will be only thing left to eat in Venezuela, human beings!
Let’s look at U.S. farming. Ed Petrowski and Cliff Harris, have been making accurate predictions about farming and food trends for over 40 years.. Ed Petrowski has been farming the fields of Pratt, Kansas for decades. both men present a farmer’s perspective on what is happening with the U.S. food supply.
One of the more stunning trends that both men pointed out was the fact that over 15% of American farmers will leave the business this year because of extreme government intrusion. They both said that there will be a food shortage as a result. Cliff Harris, a climatologist, pointed out, there will be a food shortage also because of extreme weather changes.
One of my CIA sources told me martial law is locked and cocked. The source said when “false flag” crisis hits, the phone will immediately go down. Where you are is where you will stay because the highways will be shut down. My source claimed it could happen this summer.
Friends, obtain food, water, guns and if you want to survive long term, you will need physical Gold and Silver in a crisis. Do not buy paper Gold or Silver.
Image result for gold

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