Thursday, May 19, 2016

Soros Makes His Move

Soros has warned of risks which originate from the Chinese economy. This certainly gives the appearance that its debt-ridden economy resembles the United States in 2007-08, before the derivatives markets led to a global recession.
In January, many leading hedge fund managers said a crash landing in China was a near certainty adding that such an event would worsen global deflationary pressures, deflate stocks and of course, increase the value of U.S. government bonds. George Soros subsequently moved about 40% of his portfolio out of American investments and he bought physical GOLD. Like George we should also buy physical gold and silver. Do not buy paper gold.
George Soros has demonstrated that he has both accurate and advanced knowledge of stock market moves and banking crashes. In fact, Soros has a history of causing economic collapses with his pre-planned currency manipulations. Savvy investors keep a very close eye on Soros’ money movements and resulting holdings as Soros is the proverbial “Canary in the mine”. Soros is the world’s ultimate economic hit man and both bankers and politicians watch his every move with fear and apprehension. Soros is one of the key players that determines the “rules” for the rigged game of investments across the planet.
Soros’ money movements are significant for several reasons. First, he is now betting against both the U.S. Stock Market and three huge U.S. banks. Second, Soros, as previously stated, has obtained a sizable physical gold portfolio which is something one would want to do if one were expecting, or causing a crash of paper currency, i.e. the dollar to occur. Finally, and most significantly, Soros is betting against the solvency of the Federal Reserve by running from the three huge banks involved with the Federal Reserve. Maybe this is what triggering the secret G-20 meeting in Ireland this summer.
According to a 2014 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, that Soros sold his holdings in Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. Soros subsequently moved his money and took up new positions in gold and tech stocks associated with Chinese money movement. Soros also took up a new position in Yamana Gold and AuRico Gold, and New Gold Inc. This asset shift by Soros sent shock-waves out among aware investors in the banking and stock market arena. Most of the investor crowd in 2014, ignored Soros asset dump. The highly volatile 2016 move by Soros can scarcely be ignored. For many of us, we will not be able to afford the future price of Gold, nor we will not be able to find gold for sale.
It is interesting to note that JP Morgan Chase, in 2014 sold their property located at One Chase Manhattan Plaza skyscraper to Fosun International, a Chinese investment firm, for the price of $725 million. This is only the latest in a series of New York real estate purchases by Chinese investors. This is a highly significant event that received only a couple of days of attention, but quickly faded from the front pages of the "lamestream" media.
For now, let’s suffice it to say that, in the long-term, Soros’ actions are helping to set the course for World War III because war is something that desperate nations engage in when they have no other financial options. America and our military allies are quickly approaching this moment.  World War III will be a war of destroying the old, so that the full brunt of the New World Order can be ushered in.
In the short-term, Soros’ economic hit-man strategies are designed to do what they have always done which is to collapse an economy. The collapse will follow a precipitating “false-flag” incident because this is always what the globalist have done in the past. And what form will the false-flag incident(s) come in? Nobody on this side of the Internet can be sure. However, we are safe in saying that it could involve the power grid, the banks and cyber security.
Soros may personally interject himself into this push of America towards total insolvency, by causing Cleveland to burn this July. Remember, the GOP coincides with the meetings, they thought were going to be secret in Ireland. Australia will be another site of these “secret meetings”.
Soros has booked $325 per night rooms in Cleveland for groups like and Black Live Matter. Do I need to say anymore? You may be wondering why Soros would do such a thing? 
“Killary” is Soros’ choice for President. He wants her elected at any cost. Killary is clearly your “destroy America at all costs candidate”. With the GOP in ruins, the run to the Presidency, would become a cake walk for Killary.
Soros has and will move to destroy the American economy and to destroy the financial power of the American middle class.
Also consider these facts, there has been a move to monopolize water by Soros, T. Boone Pickens and Nestle, that has been well documented. 
Obama has given himself control over all resources through Executive Order 13603. Some people believe we will soon see anti-hording policies created by DHS and FEMA which will basically outlaw all prepping.

we have entered the danger zone time wise and Soros has told us with his actions that he does not intend to allow America to survive.

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