Saturday, May 14, 2016

Indict David Miliband and Soros!

Image result for international rescue committee

The European experience has shown that there is little to no assimilation among the Muslim population. They live forever in tight communities that eventually crowd out the rule of law, and replaced it with Sharia law. Instead of integration, the result looks more like little hotbeds of poverty and insurgency.
Islamic leaders have not tried to hide world conquest as its real objective. Why isn’t this being trumpeted by the "lamestream" sold out media?
Because well-paid folks like former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband continue to portray the invasion as merely Western humanitarianism. 
Miliband heads the New York-based International Rescue Committee – IRC - one of the nine big volunteer aid agencies, also called VOLAGs, that contract with Obama to plant his Muslim seedling communities across America.
A brief word about Miliband’s relationship with Hillary Clinton and George Soros. In Nov. 2013, just 6 months after Miliband’s arrival at IRC, he gave Soros its highest award, the Freedom Award. Soros immediately donated an additional million dollars to the IRC.
Before that, while still a fast rising member of the British Labor Party, Miliband said that it was time for world leaders to accept the ascendancy of “political Islam” and even the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.
With British Muslim leader Sadiq Kahn becoming Mayor of London last week, Miliband has talked about returning to Britain to run for Kahn’s seat in parliament. 
As Muslims continue their takeover of Britain, Miliband will enjoy a bright future.
When Miliband first came to New York in 2013 to essentially head up Obama’s Muslim invasion, Clinton and Soros both attended a welcome reception in his honor. 
Clinton was smitten. She gushed to Vogue magazine:
“If you saw him, you’d have a big crush. [He’s] vital and attractive.”

Miliband immediately got to work, opening dozens of IRC offices around the U.S. from Missoula, Montana to Miami, Florida, planting Syrian Muslim seedling communities across the nation.
According to Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog (, the only thing slowing it down, is a lack of subsidized housing.
“They’re all scouting around now, not just IRC, but all of the VOLAGs, for new places to get these Syrians placed. There is not enough subsidized housing to accommodate all these refugees.”
All of this immigration is done under the banner of make-believe assimilation. 
The theory is that the newcomers will all fall in love with America and grow up to be good, productive citizens. 
But the reality is that very few assimilate. Very few even work if work can be found.

Image result for international rescue committee

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