Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Ball Is Now In Chris Christie's Court

According to the two attorneys who argued the New Jersey case against Ted Cruz last week, the judge who heard the case said that he didn’t even bother to read any of the evidence presented before making his ruling that Cruz was qualified to be on the June 7 New Jersey Republican Primary ballot!
This shocking allegation has been confirmed by both law professor Victor Williams and New Jersey attorney Mario Apuzzo who represented three other New Jersey residents in the case. Prof. Williams said that Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin admitted at the beginning of the hearing:
“I have all these briefs from the parties, and I’ve had them for four or five days, because they were due on Friday. I haven’t looked at any of them; I haven’t read any of them.”
“He made a big point of that,” Williams said. “So how could he have cranked out an opinion? Even to read the parties’ briefs would have taken a day.”
Williams reported that “there were no audio transcripts” of Monday’s hearing.
Williams is now calling the hearing “rigged,” and believes that the judge’s opinion allowing Cruz on the ballot was “predetermined, perhaps even pre-written.”
Apuzzo argued that Cruz has released virtually no documentation proving his citizenship, despite many requests. Click the link below.


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