Saturday, April 16, 2016

Middle East News Apr 16,16 (phone transcript proves Killary lied and battle brewing over the Golan)

A transcript of a telephone conversation released by The State Department proves once and for all that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about the Benghazi attack on the American diplomatic compound there in 2012. Click the link below.

The Israeli cabinet holds its weekly session Sunday April 17, on the Golan. Prime Minister Netanyahu will visit Moscow on Thursday, April 21 to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and to launch the most important battle of his political career, and one of Israel’s most decisive contests of the last 10 years: the battle over the future of the Golan Heights.
My intelligence sources tell me that Israel’s top political leaders and military commanders were stunned and shocked last weekend when they found out that US President O’bomber and Russian President Putin have agreed to support the return of the Golan to Syria. The two presidents gave their top diplomats, Secretary of State
Kerry  Lavrov, the green light to include such a clause in a proposal being drafted at the Geneva conference on ending the Syrian civil war.
Israel captured the Golan from the Syrian army 49 years ago, during the Six-Day War in 1967 after the Syrian army invaded Israel.
In 1981, during the tenure of then Prime Minister 
Menachem Begin, Israel passed a law defining the Golan as a territory under Israeli sovereignty. However, it did not state that the area belongs to Israel.
While Israel was preparing for a diplomatic battle over the future of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Obama and Putin decided to deal a diplomatic blow to Israel and Netanyahu’s government on an unexpected issue, the Golan.
It is part of an endeavor by the two powers to use their diplomatic and military cooperation regarding Syria to impose agreements on neighboring countries, such as Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
For example, Washington and Moscow are trying to impose an agreement regarding the granting of independence to Syrian Kurds, despite Ankara’s adamant opposition. The two presidents are also pressuring Riyadh and Amman to accept the continuation of Syrian President 
Bashar Assad’s rule, at least for the immediate future.
The two powers see a resolution of the Golan issue as a gradual process that may take a long time, perhaps even years. But as far as they are concerned, Israel will have to withdraw from the Golan at the end of that process.
It should be noted that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not traveling to Washington to discuss the Golan issue with Obama. The frequent trips by the prime minister, senior officials and top IDF brass to Moscow in recent months show where the winds are blowing in the Middle East.
However, Moscow is not Washington, and Israel has no lobby in the Russian capital defending its interests.
It should be made very clear that the frequent trips by senior Israeli officials to Moscow have not created an Israeli policy that can influence Putin or other senior members of the Russian leadership. Putin has made occasional concessions to Israel on matters of minimal strategic importance, but on diplomatic and military steps regarding Syria and Iran he has shown little consideration of Jerusalem’s stance.
It should also be noted that there has been no basis for the enthusiasm over the Russian intervention in Syria shown by Netanyahu, Israeli ministers and senior IDF officers.
All of the calls by a number of Russia experts for extreme caution in ties with Putin have fallen on deaf ears among the political leadership in Jerusalem and the IDF command in Tel Aviv.
Amid these developments, three regional actors are very pleased by Washington and Moscow’s agreement to demand Israeli withdrawal from the Golan: Syrian President Assad, the Iranian leadership in Tehran and Hizballah leader 
Hassan Nasrallah
Now, they do not need to risk a military confrontation with Israel over the Golan because Obama and Putin have essentially agreed to do the dirty work for them.

The UN seems to think they have the complete control of Israel and that the Israel is not a sovereign nation. That seems to be the case in the latest developments over the weekend where the UN does not even refer to the Kotel/ Wailing Wall by its proper name but rather by the: Al-Buraq (Barack) Plaza. How would Americans feel if the UN changed the name of the White House or the Statue of Liberty? That would go over like a lead balloon.  Click the link below.

Image result for Defense Minister Dehghan

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will visit the Russian capital on Thursday, April 21, for talks with President Putin. Both Moscow and Jerusalem announced that the meeting will cover the situation in Syria and the Palestinian issue. The two leaders will deal mainly with the situation in southern Syria.   
Also visiting Moscow next week will be Iran's Defense Minister Dehghan, pictured above,who is scheduled to meet with senior Russian officials on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the situation in Syria.

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