Saturday, April 16, 2016

End Times News, Mid-East Prophecy Update, Bible prophecy Revealed Apr 17,16

Pastor J.D. addresses what may be the most important development of the year concerning Israel, which is will O'bomber veto a UN Security Council Resolution for a Palestinian “final-status two-state solution.” Click the link below.

Strong earthquakes in Japan with over 30 people dead and over 1500 people injured; UN plans to take control over the world's oceans; Palestinian Authority to issue passport with the inscription "State of Palestine"; Muslims are building a nation within a nation in Great Britain and there is no assimilation into British society; Christian bakers in North Carolina were right all along because what is right for Bruce Springsteen should apply also to others; 50 new Scripture translations were completed last year and the full Bible is now available in 563 languages. Click the link below.

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