Monday, April 11, 2016

End Goal: Control All Human Beings

Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley's seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an intimidating and weighty tome. Today we talk to Joe Plummer of about his guide to Quigley's massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope 101, Plummer's guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this information is so important.

Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor. 

In the 1912 the secret powers who control America wanted to foist the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax on the American people. A split election between Taft, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson produced Woodrow Wilson and hence the income tax and the evil Federal 

In the 2008 election both candidates wanted to foist socialized health care on America. What do the secret powers want to foist on the American people in 2016?

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