Sunday, April 3, 2016

Economic News April 3, 2016 (Trump: A Massive Recession Looms)

Image result for Trump and massive recession

Donald Trump gave a 90-minute interview on Thursday to two senior Washington Post reporters, telling them that the United States could face a massive recession, but implied that there was another path – one where the U.S. could pay off its national debt in 8 years. Trump said the U.S. faces a looming stock bubble -- puffed up by years of unprecedented Quantative Easing – that could burst and send the economy into a “very massive recession.” Therefore, he warned: “It’s a terrible time [to invest in the stock market] right now.”

A massive recession looms, click the links below.

"Biblical Cycle" analyst Bo Polny says the time it takes the stock market to hit bottom from its prior top is getting shorter. The 2007 top to the 2009 bottom in the stock market took a little less than two years. The latest top happened in July of 2015, and Polny says this top to bottom crash will take half the time of the last crash. Polny predicts, “The next bottom will happen between now and this  coming August. This is going to be Biblically bad, we are going to have a day where the Dow might drop 4,000 points . . . the next turn is going to be a crash low, and that’s supposed to come in the next few months. Being long in the market is crazy. We keep having lower highs. . . . Being long in the market is extremely dangerous.”

Polny closed by pointing out, “The reason for the crash will be because gold and silver will be exploding higher. That is going to create a huge derivative issue. That, then in turn, triggers the collapse and the meltdown of the stock market.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with cycle analyst Bo Polny of in the video below.

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