Thursday, April 7, 2016

Economic News Apr 7, 2016

Another Major event (economic) will occur on April 19th
April 19th is also the day China gets control of setting the Gold Price via the Shanghai gold exchange.
“China plans to launch its new yuan-denominated gold pricing fix on April 19 this year, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.”

London and New York are the present locations that set the gold price.  That baton has been passed to China and China will set the price as of April 19th.  This will be a major blow to the US Dollar and the present, crumbling monetary system.

Financial Expert James Rickards says, “The Fed wants inflation . . . . They are not getting it now, but they have to have it. What does that mean for policy? That means they are not going to give up . . . . They are going to keep trying until they get inflation, and when that happens, you are going to wish you had your gold.”

How much will gold be in the future? Rickards calculates, “$10,000 per ounce with 40% backing . . . if you had 100% backing (of the dollar), that number would be $50,000 per ounce. The implied non-deflationary price of gold, depending on your assumptions, is between $10,000 and $50,000 per ounce. If you are going to have a gold standard and you want to avoid the blunder of the 1920’s, you are going to have gold at least at $10,000 per ounce and possibly much higher. I explain all this in my book.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with James Rickards, the best-selling author of the brand new book called “The New Case for Gold.”

What the bond yield curve tells us.

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