Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Phony Constitutionalist Outed By Neighbor!

Image result for Elisa Marie Sluijs


we have been hearing for years that Senor Ted Cruz is a strict constitutionalist. Well, I don't think so. If he was such a strict constitutionalist do you think he would be running for the Presidency illegally?

Elisa Marie Sluijs, pictured above, was Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson's (Cruz's mother) neighbor in Canada.
Sluijis lived next door to Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson for many years. She was present when she went to Canada Immigration in 1968 and denounced her US Citizenship and surrendered her US Passport. 
Eleanor, at that time, was given Canadian Citizenship. She went directly from there to the Canada Manpower Office and obtained a Canadian Social Insurance number. 
She then went to Alberta Health and obtained an Alberta Health card. She also registered to Vote in the Canadian elections and did so as a Canadian citizen.
No Americans can vote in Canadian elections, nor can they hold Alberta Health coverage, nor reside in Canada that long with out being deported for over staying their visa. 
She was not an American at the time of his birth. I know. I was there, I know too, she went to the American Consulate in Calgary. She was told she had given up her citizenship and her children had no status in the United States.She used her birth certificate to re-enter the US illegally under false pretenses as a US citizen in 1974, and Wilson did not let on that she had denounced her citizenship. Click the link below.

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