Thursday, April 28, 2016

Birds of A Feather Flock Together Updated Friday April 29,16

Once you know what’s going on between the Cruzer and Carly, the scene becomes unbearably sleezy.
Insiders say that these two can’t stand each other. So why are they now bonded together for the remaining few weeks of the campaign?
Well, before Fiorina dropped out of the race after the New Hampshire primary in early February, there was that little dust-up when her campaign was the beneficiary of an unprecedented, secret $500,000 gift from a Ted Cruz Super PACThe Federal Election Commission has since written the Cruz campaign demanding to know what the unusual monetary gift was all about. The Cruz team has refused to answer adequately. 

One of the five women implicated by the National Enquirer for having an affair with "Lyin Ted"  was Fiorina’s campaign manager, Sarah Flores

Let's see $500K + Carly + Flores + blackmail = "Lyin Ted". Click the links below.

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