Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trump's Townhall Meeting In Wisconsin

This afternoon, towards the end of a Town Hall in Janesville, Wisconsin, a terminally ill lady, only identified as Melissa, had a friend raise her hand for her to talk to Donald. Melissa thanked Donald Trump for sending her a letter and she told the audience that Donald Trump told her that her Mexican-American son was going to get a full scholarship to college and that the Trump family was going to keep an eye on her son. Friends, the first election I followed closely was in 1960. In all those years I have never known any politician running for the Presidency to do the nice things that Trump does. 

Think about this, if the Pope, the Chinese leaders, the Mexican finance minister, Vincente Fox, Soros, Neil, Jeb and all the Bushes, Romney, Lindsey Graham, the Republican hierarchy, the globalists, the establishment and more hate Donald Trump then it means to me he is doing something right and he may be right man for the Presidency. Trump is not the messiah and he is a flawed man but God can use anyone He wishes to accomplish Bible prophecy, for example, Cyrus, a righteous gentile.Click the link below.


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