Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trump Says The UN Is Not A Friend To The U.S., Israel and Freedom

Friends, have you ever heard a President or a candidate for the highest office in the land make these comments?  Click the link below.

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump devoted Monday to an attempt to portray himself as a leader with a clear foreign policy.  In a meeting with the editorial board of the Washington Post, he presented the five people who will serve as his foreign policy advisers if he is elected. They are: Joseph Schmitz, not CFR, the Pentagon's inspector-general during the administration of George W. Bush; 
George Papadopoulos, not CFR, an energy expert with ties in the Gulf states and Cyprus; 
Walid Phares, not CFR, a Maronite Christian who lectures at several US universities and advises a number of members of Congress; 
J. Keith Kellogg Jr., not CFR, who commanded the 82nd Airborne Division, considered one of the most elite forces in the US army, during the 2003 invasion of Iraq; 
and Carter Page, an energy expert specializing in the Caspian Sea region and Central Asia. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Trump told the editorial board members that the US involvement in NATO would be significantly reduced in the coming years if he is elected.      

Image result for the evil United Nations

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