Saturday, March 19, 2016

Obama And His "Presstitutes" Have Covered Up Over 76 Islamic Terrorist Attacks In The U.S.

The "lamestream" media is covering up the arrests of Muslim refugees across North America so that Americans will stop pressuring Congress to pass the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act.

Below is a partial list of the refugees and Radical Islamic Terrorists who have participated in jihad against the USA since Obama took office.

  • On January 7, 2016, Aws Mohammad Younis Al-Jayab was arrested in Sacramento, CA on charges of assisting jihadi organizations.
  • In an unrelated case, also on January 7, 2016, Omar Faraj Saeed al Hardan, an Iraqi Refugee, was arrested in Houston, TX on charges of providing material support to ISIS and going through terrorist training.
  • In Philadelphia, PA, a jihadi opened fire on a cop on January 8, 2016. He fired 13 shots and hit the police officer three times, grievously wounding the man.
  • On January 11, 2016, Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions said the number of people implicated in radical Islamic terrorist plots in the U.S. has jumped to 113.
  • On January 16, 2016, Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, both of Calgary,
    Canada, were arrested after they invaded the doorway of a neighborhood bar and grievously wounded a 38-year old stranger. 
  • In November 17, 2015 A Uzbek Muslim refugee in Boise, ID was convicted of plotting to bomb US military bases.  On August 14, 2015 three Somali Muslims, Mohamud Mohamed, 36, and Osman Sheikh, 31, Abil Teshome, 23, brutally beat and murdered Freddy Akoa, 49 a Christian in Portland, ME. The attack allegedly took place over the span of several hours, in which Akoa suffered cuts and bruises all over his body, a lacerated liver and 22 rib fractures. However, according to the autopsy, Akoa died as a result of blows to his head.  
  • Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez murdered five US Armed Forces (1 Navy and 4 Marines) in Chattanooga, TN in July 2015. On February 16, 2016, a court magistrate ruled after hearing the FBI testimony that Khalil Abu-Rayyan, a 21 year old Dearborn, MI man  was too much of a threat to public safety and ordered him held without bail. He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings. He’d actually made plans to shoot up a 6,000 member Christians in Detroit, in conversations with an undercover FBI agent.. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.” He also told the agent that “shooting and death make me excited. I love to hear people begging and screaming. … I wish I had my gun.”  The FBI claims Abu-Rayyan has since late 2014 used Twitter for “retweeting, liking and commenting” on Islamic State propaganda. 
  • On February 12, 2016 a machete wielding assailant known to the FBI, identified as Mohammad Barry, a Somali living in Ohio attacked Jewish and Christian patrons at a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, killing four people. Witnesses said it was carnage.  Some of the patrons fought back by throwing chairs. Police later shot and killed Barry after a short chase. Investigators are trying to determine if Barry attacked the Nazareth Restaurant because he thought the owner was Jewish.  In actuality, the restaurant is owned by an Israeli Christian.   
  • On May 3, 2015 an attack with gunfire was carried by two Radical Islamic Terrorists followers of ISIS at the entrance to the Curtis Culwell Center, in Garland, TX featuring cartoon images of Mohammad—both were shot and killed by a police officer. Just prior to the attack one of the gunmen posted “May Allah accept us as Mujahedeen”—he wrote both pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen”, a likely reference to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  • An immigrant from Ghana, who applied for and received US citizenship, pledged allegiance to ISIS and plotted a terrorist attack on the US soil (June 2015).
  • An immigrant from Sudan, who applied and received US citizenship, tried to join ISIS and wage Jihad on its behalf after having been recruited on line(June 2015).
  • In November 17, 2015 A Uzbek Muslim refugee in Boise, ID was convicted of plotting to bomb US military bases.
  • On August 14, 2015 three Somali Muslims, Mohamud Mohamed, 36, and Osman Sheikh, 31, Abil Teshome, 23, brutally beat and murdered Freddy Akoa, 49 a Christian in Portland, ME. The attack allegedly took place over the span of several hours, in which Akoa suffered cuts and bruises all over his body, a lacerated liver and 22 rib fractures. However, according to the autopsy, Akoa died as a result of blows to his head.
  • Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez murdered five US Armed Forces (1 Navy and 4 Marines) in Chattanooga, TN in July 2015.  Mohammad was an immigrant brought here by his family from Kuwait at a young age, and who was later approved for U.S. citizenship, who carried out the Islamist attack that killed the 5 military personnel in Chattanooga. 
  • The Somali refugee who recruited the San Bernardino killers also recruited the jihadist who attacked the Garland, TX "Draw Mohammad" contest in May 2015.
  • Six Somalian Muslim refugees were arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota for attempting to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.
  • Five Somali Muslim refugees were charged in July 2014 with fundraising for jihadi groups in Africa.
  • The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev; those brothers and their family were Muslim refugees.
  • Two Bosnian Muslim refugee in Portland, Oregon was arrested in November 21, 2014 for trying to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
  • Five Muslim Refugees in the same family were arrested in Missouri, Illinois and New York for sending arms and cash to ISIS.  
  • Two Al Qaeda members who had killed American soldiers in Iraq were arrested in Kentucky in 2009 - and, both were refugees!
  • On November 4, 2015 Faisal Mohammad who had a black ISIS flag in his possessions and a terrorist manifesto, stabbed 4 of his fellow student at U C Merced; police had to shoot him to stop his stabbing spree 
  • In San Bernardino in December 2015 two Middle East Radical Islamic Terrorist who said they were ISIS, attackers (immigrants) killed 14 civilians and wounded 21 others, were recruited to their jihad by a Muslim Somali refugee who has now moved to Syria, but continues to recruit Jihadist in America using social media.
  • On June 3, 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Mohammad shot and killed Pvt. Andy Long, USA and wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, USA outside a US Military Recruiting Office in Little Rock, Arkansas.  They were eventually awarded Purple Heart Medals. 
  • In December 2009, the bombing terror plot to kill 290 innocent passengers on a flight from the Netherland to Detroit the Nigerian Radical Islamic Terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutlallab (aka the Underwear Bomber) failed to detonate on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 because the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned, and passengers were able to subdue him until he was arrested.  
  • In Sept 15, 2012 Amine El Khalifi, an Al Q’ieda Radical Islamic Terrorist plotted to do a suicide bombing plot in the U.S. Capitol.    
  • In Sept 30, 2014 Alton Nolen, a Sharia suspect, beheaded an employee at Vaughan Foods in  Moore, Oklahoma

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