Monday, March 28, 2016

Ted Says We Are Stupid, More Revelations Coming!

Click the links at the end.

Friends and Patriots, 

this is what my source told me about Ted Cruz on Friday Mar 25, 2016.

My source indicated Cruz sex scandal about to explode in the next 24 hours.
Key points......

TED Cruz's campaign donated $500k to Carly's campaign.

Carly's fundraising PAC's post office box is the same as super PAC that put out Trump's wife's nude pictures.

Who managed Carly Fiorina's campaign? Sarah Isgur Flores, a Cruz suspected mistress.

It will be revealed that Ted's Senate  email was registered on Ashley Madison website. A website that caters to married people wanting affairs.

Revealing tape with with Ted and Amanda will be released tomorrow. It's not a sextape, but will prove they are more than friends.

My source said the following were rumor mill items but being talked about with big time reporters. My source can't confirm if the following rumors are true.

A school teacher is in negotiations with a major national new channel to out Cruz on his infidelity.

There is apparently proof, that ted frequented DC area prostitutes.

Stay tuned.........

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