Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Middle East Report (ISIS SE Asia) Mar 29, 2016

Image result for British fund violent Islam

Obomber wants to release the last 91 Gitmo Prisoners, Rohrabacher goes off. Will Congress cave again and allow Obomber to release them? There will be of these psycho murderers running loose. The NWO Must tear America apart for the antichrist to take full control. Click the link below.

Donald Trump said he would be taking his negotiating skills to an entirely new level with Saudi Arabia. Trump said that he would consider halting oil purchases from the Saudis unless they either agreed to substantially provide people and equipment to help fight ISIS, or “substantially reimbursed” the United States for doing so. “If Saudia Arabia was without the cloak of American protection, I don’t think it would be around [long],” Trump said. Click the link below.

Syria and Iraq sitrep Mar 29, 16; click below

The liberation of Palmyra, Syria, click below
British intelligence + Int'l crime syndicate = violent Islam. Click the link below.

The Russians, the Kurds, Assad, Hezbollah, the Iranians and Iraqis are kicking ISIS butt, so ISIS is moving to N. Africa and Southeast Asia

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