Friday, March 18, 2016

Middle East Report, Film From Inside The ISIS Capital, Mar 18, 2016

Turkey and the Kurdish question. Click the link below.

Using hidden cameras two brave Syrian women show us what life is like inside al-Raqqah, capital city of terrorist ISIS in northern Syria.
They know they will be stoned to death if they are exposed.
They are willing to risk their lives to help the rest of the world understand. Women's faces are so prohibited that they are even scribbled out on supermarket packaging. Sharia policewomen patrol the streets in search of women who are not concealed behind double burqas.
And in this place, contraceptive pills that have been smuggled in are the only way to save a pregnant woman from being stoned to death. "I want to live the way I want. I want to buy what I want. I want to go out alone, free and without having a guardian with me", says one of the women, Om Mohammad. Click the link below.

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