Monday, March 7, 2016

Mass Deaths of Animals and Fish Worldwide

  • Matthew 24:7 (KJV)For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and this pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 

  • Friends, the animals and fish dying is getting worse. The Luciferians say it is because of human activity but I think this is divine chastisement.  I hate to think of a world devoid of animals and fish.
MASS Death in 44 Countries 
4th March 2016 - Large number of dead sea birds washing up on beaches in Volusia, Florida, America. Link
4th March 2016 - MASSIVE - 13 MILLION+ salmon dead due to algae bloom in Chiloe and Aysen region, Chile. Link
4th March 2016 - 7 TONS of dead fish have washed up in Cape Town, South Africa. Link
3rd March 2016 - 28 dead dolphins found during the past 2 months along the west coast of Ireland. Link
3rd March 2016 - 23 dolphins found dead on beaches south of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link
3rd March 2016 - Several TONS of dead fish found in the Chicamocha River, Colombia. Link
2nd March 2016 - Massive die off of fish along 7km of river in Periyar, India. Link
2nd March 2016 - Hundreds of fish die in Devigere lake, India. Link
1st March 2016 - 860,000 cattle dead due to severe drought and rainstorms in Bolivia. Link
1st March 2016 - Thousands of dead fish have washed up in a lake in Victoria, Australia. Link
29th February 2016 - 16 dead whales have washed up dead during past couple of months in Baja California, Mexico. Link
29th February 2016 - 400,000 salmon dead due to 'lice treatment and disease' in fish farms in Norway. Link
29th Fenruary 2016 - 12,000+ chickens and geese killed due to avian flu in Taiwan. Link
26th February 2016 - 800 dead ducks removed from reservoirs in Caceres, Spain. Link
26th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead sea lions have washed up, during past few months along the coast of Chile and Peru. Link
25th February 2016 - 40+ Olive Ridley turtles found dead along the coast of Odisha, India. Link
25th February 2016 - 30+ TONS of dead fish removed from a lake in Ningde, China. Link
23rd February 2016 - 100,000 cattle dead due to drought throughout Colombia. Link
23rd February 2016 - 41,000 birds dead due to another outbreak of avian flu in Taiwan. Link
22nd February 2016 - 129 dead sea turtles have washed up this month in Clearwater, Florida, America. Link
22nd February 2016 - 20 TONS of fish die in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link
22nd February 2016 - Massive die off of fish along a river in Surat, India. Link
21st February 2016 - Dozens of dead birds found along a highway in Ohio, America. Link
20th February 2016 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up this year in Yucatan, Mexico. Link
19th February 2016 - 118 turtles found dead along the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Link
18th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead sea birds found washed up in Trujillo, Peru. Link
18th February 2016 - Hundreds of birds fall dead from sky in Odessa, Ukraine. Link
17th February 2016 - MASSIVE - 1000+ TONS of fish have died in fish farms along the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Link
17th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Chapultepec, Mexico. Link
16th February 2016 - Tens of thousands of cattle dead, due to drought in Southern Zimbabwe. Link
16th February 2016 - 445 dead turtles found washed up along beaches in Guerrero, Mexico. Link
16th February 2016 - Large die off of fish along the waterways of Karatay in Turkey. Link
15th February 2016 - Thousands of fish are dying along the Porce River in Colombia. Link
13th February 2016 - MASSIVE - 150,000 penguins die after giant iceberg becomes grounded in Antarctica. Link
11th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beaches in Mauritius. Link
11th February 2016 - Thousands of fish continue to die along the Nile Delta in Egypt. Link
11th February 2016 - Dozens of monkeys are dying off, 'a mystery' in the forests of Nicaragua. Link
11th February 2016 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up on beaches in Fiji. Link
11th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found in the waters of Oosterhout, Netherlands. Link
11th February 2016 - 5,800 chickens killed due to avain flu in Tainan, Taiwan. Link
11th February 2016 - Masses of dead fish wash up on beaches in Montevideo, Uruguay. Link
10th February 2016 - Thousands of dead fish wash up in the waters of New Caledonia. Link
10th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead eels found in a creek in Marlborough, New Zealand. Link
10th February 2016 - Dozens of dead sea birds, plus other marine creatures found on a beach in Malibu, America. Link
9th February 2016 - Dozens of cattle dying off due to unknown disease in Warrap State, Sudan. Link
6th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore 'due to red tide' in Florida, America. Link
5th February 2016 - MILLIONS of Oysters are dead due to disease in southern Tasmania, Australia. Link
4th February 2016 - Dozens of birds suddenly die in Wichita, Kansas, America. Link
4th February 2016 - Dozens of Pelicans dying, reason unknown on Grand Isle, Louisiana, America. Link
4th February 2016 - 6 dead whales have washed ashore along the coast of East England. Link
4th February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore, 'sparking fear' in La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago. Link
4th February 2016 - Massive die off of fish in a lagoon in Marica, Brazil. Link
3rd February 2016 - 8 more dead whales found along coast of Friedrichskoog, Germany. Link
3rd February 2016 - 700,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Kurdistan. Link
3rd February 2016 - 41,000 chickens have died from Newcastle disease in Luzon, Philippines. Link
3rd February 2016 - 36 TONS of fish have died in farms, 'due to read tide' in Hong Kong. Link
3rd February 2016 - Dozens of dead turtles found along beaches in Tecpan de Galeana, Mexico. Link
3rd February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found in ponds in Queensland, Australia. Link
3rd February 2016 - 11,500 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Changhua County, Taiwan. Link
1st February 2016 - 1 Whale and 3 dolphins wash up dead along Oregon-Washington Coast, America. Link
1st February 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Texas, America. Link
1st February 2016 - Mass deaths of fish in Shing Mun River, Hong Kong. Link
1st February 2016 - Masses of dead fish discovered along 1km of river in Hubei province, China. Link

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