Monday, March 7, 2016

IMPORTANT INFORMATION about the Ohio Primary Ballot

Dear Friends Neighbors and Patriots,
This is important information regarding our upcoming Primary. 
Every Republican primary voter in Ohio will have two opportunities to vote for president. 
This is important and they should have done this differently PLEASE NOTE that you need to vote for President TWICE on the same ballot.  There used to be delegates from each congressional district and then statewide delegates.  Because Ohio was not winner-take-all, you used to be able to vote for different candidate's delegates for different spots (say if you were a Cruz and a Trump fan, you might vote once for each, to send).  

But this year, the Ohio Republican Party changed Ohio to winner-take-all statewide, and they kept the requirement that each campaign identify 3 delegates per congressional district and then a bunch of statewide delegates.
 The winner-take-all rule was changed because they thought it would help Kasich with a big group of delegates.  Since it became winner-take-all, they might as well have gone to all state-wide delegates and eliminated the congressional district delegates. Instead, the ORP kept the rule about having 3 delegates per congressional district because they knew it would be easy for Kasich to identify those people, but harder for other campaigns to find delegates in obscure parts of the state.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT IN BOTH SECTIONS. Here is a link that explains the issue a bit further.  

LTTP Board,
Mark, Leo, Carl, Tim, Susan, Christy, Mike, Katy and Denise

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