Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cubans Would Be An Excellent Fifth Column In The U.S.

Friends, the Cubans will find excellent cover in the U.S. since so many Hispanics speak Spanish. It is easy for the Cubans to blend in and go underground.

A Clinton insider reveals shocking details about O'bomber's real reason in going to Cuba,  to secure a future invasion force under a UN banner. O'bomber has signed Executive Order 13391, the “Patriot Defense of Liberty Enabler Act”, this plan will allow the Federal Government to “assume control of all Federal territory in case of a National Emergency or Civil Disobedience” and "enhance Jade Helm protocols" allowing United Nation Troops to assist U.S. Forces when needed on domestic soil and bring the U.S. into “compliance with the United Nations Agenda 21”!!

This is the epitome of what it is to be non-democratic and non-patriotic, just read the name of Executive Order 13391 out loud...PATRIOT DEFENSE of LIBERTY ENABLER!!? Enabling patriots to defend times of Civil Disobedience?! Really?!.. So during a CIVIL or PEACEFUL form of political protest where individuals (patriots) refuse to comply with certain demands of a government or of an occupying international power, A.K.A. the United Nations Agenda 21!!!

U.N. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the INVENTORY AND CONTROL action plan to be implemented worldwide, to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. Click the link below.

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