The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fiorina Endorses Cruz and the "False Dilemma"

Friends, remember what Lenin said the best way to defeat the opposition is to control it from inside.
Trying to explain the significance of the last few days, in relationship to the Ted Cruz candidacy, requires the intellectually honest observer to recognize and/or accept the increasingly likely probability: we have been facing a manufactured “false dilemma” longer than most may be willing to accept.
“False Dilemma” – the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative, is a type of informal fallacy involving a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.
In essence, presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been presented as an option – to the previous “establishment candidates“.
Under this assumption, the intent of the option (Cruz) is to block the observer (electorate / us) from considering any additional alternative which remains outside the control of the presenting entity (the DC power brokers, GOP establishment and Wall Street donor class).
Team Cruz has shown new evidence of being much further aligned with the GOP establishment than most political observers, and high-information voters, might be willing to accept.
Here’s why:
Adding the entire financial team of Jeb Bush which includes: Paul Dickerson of Houston, TX, Boyden Gray of Washington, DC, Charles Foster of Houston, TX, Reginald J. Brown of Washington, DC, Paula and Jim Henry of Midland, TX, and Nancy and Randy Best of Dallas, TX. shows that Ted Cruz is much further in alignment with the Bush clan than most previously recognized.
In addition, by Ted Cruz adding Neil Bush Cruz is signifying an ideological alignment that is 180° divergent than most of the supporters of Ted Cruz would be aware of. These alignments point to a direct acceptance that much of the story-line behind Cruz’s candidacy was false.
As a direct consequence, the fallacy of false choice within the option of Ted Cruz from the outset gains sunlight.
However, this new reality is challenging for many people to accept. To those who cannot bring themselves to accept this paradigm shift, further evidence surfaces today with the endorsement of consummate insider, Carly Fiorina, who said:
“Last Tuesday we had a primary, and I walked into the ballot box,” [Fiorina] told a crowd of Cruz supporters. “I saw my name on the ballot, and it was kind of a thrill, but I checked the box for Ted Cruz.” (link)
That “last Tuesday” reference highlights Fiorina’s home residence (as we previously shared) in Virginia, not California as many people mistakenly think. Fiorina has been the consummate “inside the beltway” politico, even though she was never in an elected position as a politician.
Fiorina worked for the John McCain campaign in 2008 as a surrogate. She again worked in 2012 as an official campaign spokesperson for Mitt Romney. Indeed, in the beginning of her own presidential bid last year, Carly Fiorina stated she was urged to run in 2016 due to a conversation with Mitt Romney.
So, we re-engage the intellectual honesty with a reminder of Carly Fiorina, and now find ourselves answering a nagging previous question.
Why did the Wall Street funders of the Ted Cruz campaign fund the origin of the Carly Fiorina campaign in 2015?
$500,000 transferred from KtP1 (Keep The Promise) which is Ted Cruz’s Super-PAC, to CfA (Carly for America) Ms. Fiorina’s Super-PAC, in June of 2015. What clarifies now, with this new information, is how the fallacy of false choice was being presented to us by the Wall Street financial team, the Globalists, last year. Remember, even the FEC wanted know what they were doing (LINK).
Also keep in mind, when Fiorina was chairman of Hewlett packett she illegally dealt with Iran.
Cutting through the intent here and getting to the substance of truth is really not too difficult, but you won’t find many outlets (new media or old) willing to go there. However, as you are aware for us the Truth Has No Agenda, and Sunlight Is The Best Disinfectant.

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