Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Call Your Republican Senator ASAP

I want to thank the Tea Party Patriots for sending me this information.
A few weeks ago we sent an email asking you to call Rob Portman and thank him for standing up to the President to block any Supreme Court nomination until the people have a chance to make our voices heard in November.
We are getting reports that MoveOn.org and other left-wing groups are planning protests and bombarding Republican Senate offices to try to get them to cave. In some cases, Republican Senators are hearing from the opposition 10 times more than they are hearing from us.
We can't express how vitally important it is for us to thank Senator Portman for his current stance and encourage him to continue to stand up to the President until the people speak in November.
Please take some time to call Senator Portman at (202) 224-3353 and (216)-522-7095 thank him for standing up to President Obama and protecting our most cherished rights. It is critical that Senators know that when they do the right thing, they will have support, just as they know when they cave to President Obama and the Democrats they will be held accountable.
Thanks, as always, for your support.

In liberty,
Tea Party Patriots Support Team

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