Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Cruzer Resorts To "Dirty Tricks" In Iowa

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Monday night, serious allegations of vote fraud were leveled against the Ted Cruz camp by Dr. Ben Carson. Just before the voting began, Dr. Carson was receiving excited calls from his workers reporting a large turnout for him at caucus sites: “I got calls from several people who told me their internal intelligence said that I was going to do extraordinarily well.” It all started out 33 seconds before 7pm, which was the official time for the start of the Iowa Caucuses. Then Ted Cruz 2016 official Twitter site sent out this tweet seconds before the top of the hour: “CNN is reporting that Ben Carson will stop campaigning after Iowa. Make sure to tell all of your peers at the Caucus supporting Carson that they should coalesce around the true conservative who will be in the race for the long haul: Ted Cruz!” The Cruzer would make Nixon and LBJ proud. Click the link below.

Trump calls for a re-vote in Iowa, click the link below.

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