Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Economic News, Londoners Line Up To Buy Gold Feb. 16, 2016

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Image result for Londoners que up for Gold

Londoners queue to buy Gold as stock markets plummet and panic sets In, click the link below.


Financial analyst Bo Polny, a Christian, expects big losses in the bond market around the world. Polny explains, “How many countries are going to be happy about that? Now, you want to know why gold goes vertical? People are going to run from paper because the bonds that were safe havens in 2007 and the dollars that were safe havens in 2007, this time around, is the opposite. So, you don’t have safety in paper. You don’t have safety in the dollar. You don’t have safety in bonds this time. So, gold will be the asset class that everybody is going to run to.”
Is gold on the launching pad with the rocket boosters warming up? Polny says, “Yes, yes, there is very little time left. If you don’t act, and your money is in the stock and bond markets . . . a transfer of wealth is going to happen, and the date in October is not a crash. It’s something else. . . . Before all that happens, you are going to have markets collapse. We may have a little bounce in the markets, but that will be the final opportunity to get out. If people have not gotten out of their positions and done something with their stocks before the end of this month, February, it’s going to get ugly.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with market cycle analyst Bo Polny of Gold2020Forecast.com. Click the link below.

Famed investor Jim Rogers is warning that financial Armageddon is just around the corner, and it's being fueled by moronic central bankers. Rogers is forecasting ‘horrible times ahead’ because of the ‘incompetence of the central banks’. The Singapore-based American investor said central bankers are doing everything they can to prop up financial markets, but it's all for naught. He predicts their unconventional monetary strategies will lead to a stock market rally in the near future, but deep trouble later this year and into 2017.


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