Monday, January 18, 2016

Trump Unloads Tweets on Ted Cruz

Image result for Trump tweets unload on Cruz


Donald J. Trump
Is this the New York that Ted Cruz is talking about & demeaning?

Donald J. Trump
Wow! Ted Cruz received $487K in campaign contributions, $11M from a NY hedge fund mogul, & $1M low int. loan from Goldman Sachs. Hypocrite

Donald J. Trump
Greatly dishonest of @TedCruz to file a financial disclosure form & not list his lending banks- then pretend he is going to clean up Wall St

Donald J. Trump
When will @TedCruz give all the New York based campaign contributions back to the special interests that control him.

Donald J. Trump
Everybody that loves the people of New York, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!

Donald J. Trump
If Ted Cruz is so opposed to gay marriage, why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?

Donald J. Trump
Ted is the ultimate hypocrite. Says one thing for money, does another for votes.

Donald J. Trump
Ted Cruz purposely, and illegally, did not list on his personal disclosure form personally guaranteed loans from banks. They own him!

Donald J. Trump
Based on the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada and is therefore a "natural born Canadian," did he borrow unreported loans from C banks?

Donald J. Trump
Oh no, just reported that Ted Cruz didn't report another loan, this one from Citi. Wow, no wonder banks do so well in the U.S. Senate.

Donald J. Trump
The Ted Cruz wiseguy apology to the people of New York is a disgrace. Remember, his wife's employer, and his lender, is located there!

Donald J. Trump
Was there another loan that Ted Cruz FORGOT to file. Goldman Sachs owns him, he will do anything they demand. Not much of a reformer!

Donald J. Trump
Ted Cruz said he "didn't know" that he was a Canadian Citizen. He also FORGOT to file his Goldman Sachs Million $ loan papers.Not believable

Donald J. Trump
Ted Cruz was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen until 15 months ago. Lawsuits have just been filed with more to follow. I told you so

Ted Cruz's campaign manager is Chad Sweet, former CIA, former Dept of Defense, former Goldman Sachs, former Morgan Stanley, architect behind Cruz's NSA-style data-mining through his email list:

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