Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Middle East Report Jan. 6, 2016

Oil drops below $35.00 per barrel, the graph above is the most recent graphic I could find; watch the short video below.

The video below discusses ISIS developing Surface to Air Missile (SAM) technology; remember "Killery" and her friends misplaced 20,000 SAMs in Libya; they probably went to our "good friends" in Turkey who in turn gave them to ISIS! In return we got a dead ambassador and dead special operators!

The mystery of how Hizbollah managed to plant the bomb, which blew up against an IDF patrol, without causing casualties, Tuesday, Jan. 5, in the Shebaa Farms district of Mt Hermon, on the Israeli side of the ceasefire line, is perplexing Israel’s military chiefs. It brought Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Golan (former OC Northern Command) and his successor Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi to the Golan the next day for a close inspection of the Syrian and Lebanese border defenses.
They found no fault with the meticulous preparations and counter-measures the contingents on the spot had made for an attack, which Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had said was “inevitable” after the assassination of Samir Quntar in Damascus on Dec. 20.
 But, in addition, to the lookout posts scattered along the border, was a countermeasure that had been rated impermeable: an “electronic sterile area” abutting the electronic border fence, which has been strewn with hi-tech sensors and other devices designed to act as tripwires for the smallest intrusion.
The fact that Hizbollah was able to plant a bomb on the Israeli side of the border proved that this elaborate system did not work.
The Shiite terrorist group, Iran’s Lebanese proxy, has long been known to maintain a commando unit known as the "Redwan Force,” pictured above, especially trained for eventual incursions into Israel on missions of assault and the capture of Israeli locales with hostages.
But its ability to outsmart an electronically sterile barrier was quite another matter. It is of the utmost urgency for IDF tacticians to seriously rethink the defensive measures in place on the northern borders with Syria and Lebanon, before Hizbollah strikes again.
But first of all, they must find out how it happened. Some Lebanese sources are throwing out hints of a secret tunnel dug by Hizbollah, through which the “Quntar Brigade” was able to sneak the bomb onto the IDF patrol route, although it failed to cause casualties. No trace of a tunnel has so far been reported.
At the time of the incident, Israeli public and media attention was wholly taken up with the Dizengoff gunman, who murdered three Israelis on Jan. 1 and is still at large six days later.

Since Hizbollah’s Shebaa Farms attack was swiftly countered by massive IDF artillery fire, it was soon over and the episode relegated to back pages. However, the defense minister and IDF chiefs cannot afford to treat it lightly. They are convinced that Hizbollah has not concluded its campaign of “revenge” and may reuse the same method for further attacks. No stone is therefore being left unturned to discover how Hizbollah smuggled a bomb onto Israeli terrain - over or under the border - and the preparations for an attack remain high.
At the end of his Golan inspection visit, the defense minister said: “The IDF is alert and fully prepared for every eventuality, just as it was for the Mt Dov (part of Mt. Hemon) attack. The forces are ready to respond whenever and however necessary and, if need be, their response will be powerful indeed.”

The interior ministry of Bahrain announced Wednesday that the Persian Gulf kingdom had broken up a terror cell run jointly by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hizbollah that had planned to carry out a series of attacks. 
Image result for Mossad chief, Tamir Pardo

At an event honoring his service as Mossad chief, Tamir Pardo’s, pictured above, parting comment was: “There is no mission impossible. There is always a solution. It is no wonder that dozens of our fellow organizations around the world seek us out.” He went on to say: “Our personnel are among the best, ablest and most audacious in the world. This is not to my credit, but to theirs. A small fraction of their exploits could feed brigades of sci-fi film writers.” The president, prime minister, defense minister attended the event and showered praise on the departing Mossad chief for his five years of service.  

The video below contains Gary Stearman's comments about the Iran/Saudi Arabia crisis

The video below is about Iran's underground tunnels where they store  their mobile missiles

Yemen sitrep Jan. 6, 2016, this is not a "cake walk" for the Saudis

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