Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Middle East Report Jan. 19, 2016

A frickin, heartless ISIS animal displays his handiwork; one day he will take a knee to Yeshua;  

Sitrep Syria Jan. 19, 2016
Image result for isis terrorist killings women

Yeshua, please come back today to stop the heartless ISIS thugs!
The widespread abuses of human rights by ISIS in Iraq include the enslavement of approximately 3,500 women and children, according to a UN report released Tuesday. The report said the slaves are mostly from the Yazidi ethnic group but also from other minorities. It added that 800 to 900 children have been seized from Mosul, the de facto ISIS capital in Iraq, for religious indoctrination and military training. According to the UN report, ISIS human rights abuses "in some instances amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide." Below, dead Kurdish children.

The European Foreign Ministers ruled at their monthly council meeting Monday that all agreements between the EU and Israel must “unequivocally and explicitly indicate their inapplicability to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.”  The Israeli Foreign Ministry maintained that this formulation was a softening of the original harsh decision which mandated a “distinction” between Israel and those territories – the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Hieghts.“ Advanced by France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Spain, the harsher resolution was dropped at the insistence of Greece, Romania, Hungary and Poland. While retaining the labeling directive for Israeli products, the ministers claimed that their resolution does not constitute a boycott of Israel “which the EU strongly opposes.” Israel’s blasted the European Union for “continuing to maintain a double standard in regard to Israel, while ignoring the Palestinian Authority's responsibility for the stalemate in the diplomatic process and incitement fueling the Palestinian wave of terror. There are some 200 territorial disputes around the world but the EU chooses to discriminate only against Israel. This outlook prevents the EU from being a fair partner in resolving the conflict," the statement said. 
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Dan Shapiro, US Ambassador, accused Israel of blocking a two-state solution by “continued expansion of settlements” and raised questions about Israel’s “inadequate response to settler violence.” Ambassador Shapiro said: “Too much vigilantism goes unchecked and at times there seem to be two standards of adherence to the rule of law: one for Israelis and another for Palestinians,” he said. His comments drew an angry response for Prime Minister Netanyahu, who said they were unacceptable and inappropriate at a time of heightened Palestinian terrorist violence and omitted to hold the Palestinians responsible for the terror and the stalemate.
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Jeremiah 49 and Amos 1:14-15 are over looked prophecies that clearly speak of the coming destruction Amman Jordan as well as Ramallah. The Prophets Jeremiah and Amos foresaw that the King of Jordan would be willing to train ISIS terroriststs in His country; ISIS men would ravage women in the cruelest of ways. The God of Israel does not forget the wickedness of ISIS evil nor the King of Jordan who permitted his country to be used as a training ground for terrorists. Watch the video below.

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