Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Economic News Jan. 27, 2016

Image result for the war on cash

James Corbett reports on the war on cash, click the link below.

Italian bank panic and bail-in, click the video below. Above, a bank run in Italy. In Italy, many ordinary savers have been wiped out as unsecured bondholders and shareholders have taken the hit from the collapse of four small lenders in the last month. Prime minister Matteo Renzi has come under fire following the suicide of a retired man who hung himself after losing €110,000 in bonds issued by Banca Etruria. Below, a protest against Prime Minister Renzi

Greg Hunter interviews Gerald Celente about the world economy, click the link below and in the second interview Celente gives us economic trends.

Gregory Mannarino reports that the Federal Reserve admits US economy slowing, contradicting Obama's State of the Union narrative, click the link belo.

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