Monday, January 25, 2016

Economic News Jan. 25, 2016

Gerald Celente reports that global stocks sink on fresh growth fears” and “crude oil inventories climb to the highest levels since 1990”." Click the link below.

Financial expert and money manager Michael Pento, above, is forecasting a global depression, and Pento contends, “It’s happening. It’s happening now. This is not your garden variety recession. You have impotent central bankers and impotent sovereign nations. How many more empty cities is China going to build without destroying their currency? There are going to be global sovereign defaults, and those defaults are going to take the form of defaults through monetization and inflation. That is where we are headed.” Pento warns that until the Fed starts printing massive amounts of money to turn the imploding economy around, “It’s going to be a devastating, metastasizing global depression. It’s on its way. ” 

Pento says, “Your golden life preserver is going to be gold. It’s the only thing that is going to work when you have depression, insolvent nations and massive monetization of all outstanding bonds. I would definitely get physical gold.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies. Click the link below.

In this well-detailed interview, Nomi Prins, above, goes into depth of the rationale and process behind the creation of the Federal Reserve, and more important, how its mandate, and the behavior of the banking system overall, metastasized into the every-banker-for-himself regime of sanctioned theft we now live with.

Today, the 'revolving door' connecting our political and financial systems is evident to anyone with eyes. But this entwined relationship between Washington DC and Wall Street is nothing new, predating even the formation of the Federal Reserve.

Nomi Prins is a Wall Street veteran turned financial industry reformist, and author of the excellent expose All The Presidents Bankers.

Today, the 'revolving door' connecting our political and financial systems is evident to anyone with eyes. But this entwined relationship between Washington DC and Wall Street is nothing new, predating even the formation of the Federal Reserve.

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