Sunday, January 17, 2016

Economic News Jan. 18, 2016

Former Federal Reserve President, Richard Fisher, above, admits on CNBC on January 5, 2016..."We Frontloaded A Tremendous Market Rally". Richard Fisher admits on TV that the markets are Fake, that they are driven by endless currency printing. Watch the CNN interview below.

Image result for DOW plunges in 2016

The U.S. is not immune from economic trouble. The U.S. is at the center of the black financial hole. The U.S. will implode with the rest of the world….former top Wall Street banker and best-selling author, Nomi Prins says the U.S. is a trading partner with these countries and we buy and sell products with them;…..we have  financial tentacles throughout the world.” When it comes to protecting yourself from calamity, Prins says, “Build a stockpile of cash . . . and look at investing in gold as a percentage of disposable investment income.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with best-selling author of “All the Presidents’ Bankers.”

Jeff Berwick reports on the 2016 Super Shemitah panic!....Dow crashes 500+points.......stock markets crash worldwide… Super Shemitah Jubilee Crash continues

The "fat cats" on Wallstreet are blaming China and oil prices for lackluster reports, BP/Petrobras slash jobs as oil falls towards $20 & Obama says “anyone claiming America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction”. Watch Celente's video below.

German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble has come up with a way to solve the migrant invasion, raise petrol taxes across the EU to raise more money to build a wall........sounds like "The Donald".
Schäuble said, “Why shouldn’t we deal with this at a European level, if the task is so urgent? We need to secure the Schengen external borders now. We cannot fail to address this problem because of a lack of funds.”
The Schengen Area is the 26 countries who have abolished passport control or any other type of border control at their common borders. 

According to the British paper, the Telegraph, Schäuble is prepared to implement the tax on a voluntary basis with a “coalition of the willing”.
“If the EU cannot reach agreement on securing the external borders, Germany may be forced to close its own, the influential finance minister warned. Such a move could prove fatal to the Schengen Agreement.”
And that means the destruction of the EU. Watch Still's video below.

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