Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Middle East Report, Dec. 29, 2015

Syria and Iraq sitrep Dec. 29, 2015

Charaffe al Mouadan, pictured above, was killed in a US drone strike in Syria on December 24, Baghdad-based US military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren confirmed Tuesday. The French ISIS member was linked to the ringleader of the Paris attack, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, which left 133 dead. He was reportedly plotting additional attacks against the West when he was killed.

Above, the Mugniyeh family photographed in Iran in 1987. According to rumors circulating in Beirut, Hizbollah’s security services Monday night detained Mustafa Mughniyeh, designated in summer as the group’s Golan Front commander, on charges of spying for the CIA and Israeli intelligence. The rumor, if confirmed, would represent an earthquake for Iran’s Lebanese proxy.  Mustafa is a son of the iconic Hizbollah chief commander, Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated in Damascus in 2008. He was given the Golan command in place of his brother, Jihad, who was killed in an Israeli air strike on Jan. 18. 

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In an apparent response to threats from Hizbollah and ISIS leaders in recent days, Prime Minister Netanyahu said Tuesday: “Our enemies should know that we will aggressively retaliate to any attack against us.” Speaking at an awards ceremony for outstanding Mossad personnel, Netanyahu said: "Because of the rise of extremist Islam, we find ourselves...in a world war against two large factions of extremist Islam which spread across the globe.We are obligated to deal with these threats," the prime minister stated. "These two threats are linked to one another." 

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