Thursday, December 31, 2015

Middle East Report 31 Dec. 2105, War Alert In Middle East

The IDF and all of the armies involved in the Syrian civil war, namely those of Russia, Syria and Iran, went on their highest war alert on Thursday, Dec. 31 when all their intelligence organizations reported that Hassan Nasrallah could not be stopped from attacking Israel, in revenge for the assassination of Samir Quntar in Damascus on December 20.
More than one intermediary visited Beirut to avert the Hizbollah attack and its deadly fallout, including a former senior officer of the German BND foreign intelligence service. Gerhard Conrad, pictured above with Netanyahu, late of the BND and incumbent director of the European Union’s Intelligence and Situation Center, was given this urgent mission by Chancellor Angela Merkel.
He came away from a meeting with Nasrallah on Dec. 29, with the news that the Hizbollah chief was not open to persuasion and the attack was already underway.
Conrad has excellent connections in the Arab world, especially in Syria and Lebanon. Seven years ago, he acted as intermediary between Israel and Hizbollah for negotiating the recovery of the bodies of two fallen IDF soldiers, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, in exchange for the handover of that same Hizbollah high-up Samir Quntar and other jailed and convicted Arab terrorists.
The German spy-diplomat then established personal connections with a shadowy figure, Wafik Safa, who is in charge of Hizbollah’s intelligence and security network and a close crony of Nasrallah.
Conrad used those connections again in 2011 to broker the release of Gilead Shalit from Hamas captivity.
It was Safa he arranged for him to meet Nasrallah in Beirut Tuesday. He found the Hizbollah chief unshakeable in his determination to make Israel pay for Quntar’s death, even at the cost of a painful backlash against the Shiite group's terrorists in Syria and Lebanon.
He was unmoved by the warning issued by Israel’s chief of staff, Lieut. Gen. Gady Eisenkott, on Monday, just hours before the Conrad mission.  Eisenkott said, “Just as we have proven in the past, we know how to strike anyone who wishes to harm us. Our enemies know they will suffer grave consequences if they try to undermine our security.”
Upon receipt of the German emissary’s report on the meeting, Eisenkott, his deputy, Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, and OC Northern Command, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, inspected the preparedness of the IDF’s northern border defenses for all contingencies.
They took into account a scenario, whereby Nasrallah would take advantage of the stormy weather forecast for the weekend in Syria, Lebanon and Israel, to strike Israel, in the knowledge that the heavy rain and snow would impede Israeli air force activity and give the Hizbollah operation a tactical edge.
Russian military and Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces in Syria have taken into account that a Hizbollah attack will not go unanswered by Israel and that the IDF would most likely hit back at Hizbollah on Syrian soil, thus ushering in the New Year with a new whirlwind.

According to the prophecy of the holy Greek Orthodox elder Paisius from Greece, Turkey will disappear from the face of the earth as a state.

A spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned US plans to impose new sanctions over Tehran's development of ballistic missiles, terming the plans "arbitrary and illegal" and denying any linkage between the missile development and the country's nuclear program. The sanctions are to be imposed via the US Treasury Department on 12 American and foreign companies and individuals conducting trade that assists Iran's ballistic missile development. A government spokesman in Tehran said supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei would view the sanctions as an American violation of the nuclear agreement between Iran and Western powers.
Image result for Emanuel Lutchman,

The FBI announced on Thursday that it has arrested a 25-year-old American Muslim convert, Emanuel Lutchman, on suspicion of planning to carry out a New Year's Eve terrorist attack at a restaurant in Rochester, New York, on behalf of ISIS. He is also suspected of providing material support to the terrorist organization.
Image result for putin and netanyahu meeting

In a New Year greeting to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu posted on the Kremlin website on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed satisfaction that bilateral ties "retained their positive dynamics" and even improved over the past year. Putin also said he is resolved "to make every effort in the coming year to enhance the entire range of bilateral ties for the benefit of the people of Russia and Israel and in the interests of ensuring stability and security in the Middle East." The message was among a large number of messages from Putin to heads of state around the world. 

India and Israel develop a new long range surface to Air missile; watch the video below.

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