Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prophetic Headlines from 20 to 22 Nov. 2015 WR15-394

Jerusalem is pictured above; Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

What is Jerusalem Worth? (Video) this video is worth watching again.

I watched a movie called The Kingdom of Heaven. It was about the battle over Jerusalem in the 12th Century between the Crusader Knights and the Muslims led by their general Saladin. The movie was based on a true event, but it was highly dramatized and historically inaccurate by Hollywood. I don’t really recommend watching it.
What is of real interest, is that at the end of the movie, the Crusader king was surrendering Jerusalem, and he asked Saladin what Jerusalem was worth. Saladin’s answer was “Nothing, everything.”
How true this is because, in the natural, the city is worth nothing. It is not the center of finances, wealth, trade or media, yet in the spiritual it is worth everything because it is the site of the both the first and second coming of Jesus Christ. After His second coming, it will be the center of Christ’s reign on earth. In this sense, it is worth everything.

May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
In Matt. 24:4-11, Mark 13:5-8, and Luke 21:8-11 Jesus identified a number of signs that would point to the approaching end of the age. He specifically named false messiahs, wars and rumors of war, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, persecution, apostasy, false prophets and signs from heaven.  Some of these will appear sooner than others but as the end approaches we’ll see more of them and they’ll appear more frequently and with greater intensity.

Here are the prophetic headlines for Nov. 22, 2015 from around the world that reveal some of these Signs Of The Times in today’s news reports. Click on the headline to read the complete article.

Iran Hold War Games Simulating Takeover ofAl-Aqsa from Israel

Drones, jets, tanks and warships: Global powers unleash mighty arsenal to Annihilate ISIS 

Poll:Americans Worried About a Major Terror Attack in the US

United Nations plans require biometric identification and birth registration for all humans on Earth

‘Sophisticatednetwork’ of radical mosques in U.S.

Here is are the prophetic headlines for Nov. 21, 2015 from around the world that reveal some of these Signs Of The Times in today’s news reports. Click on the headline to read the complete article.

UN Security Council votes unanimously to destroy Islamic State

Israel has 115 nuclear weapons, says US think tank

‘Imminent threat of attack’: Brussels closes metro as capital on high alert

MassiveRussian blanket air bombardment is flattening Raqqa

Turkeythreatens Russia over bid to Obliterate sick Islamic State terrorists

Here is are the prophetic headlines for Nov. 20, 2015 from around the world that reveal some of these Signs Of The Times in today’s news reports. Click on the headline to read the complete article.

Palestinianterror claims 5 murders in a day as Hebron swings out of Shin Bet control

Russia Reports Three Waves of ‘Massive’ Strikes Against ISIS

Gunmen attack luxury hotel in Mali capital, 170 taken hostage

Satanistsseek to ally with U.S. Muslims after Paris terror


The picture above, was taken just moments before the ISIS slaughter in Paris. It captured the people at the Eagles of Death concert signing the song “Kiss the Devil.” Many were murdered as they were singing this song! When you look at the picture, notice they are making the devil horns sign with their hand! This picture is understood to have been taken just a few minutes before three gunmen burst into the venue as the Californian rock band were launching into one of their favorites, “Kiss The Devil.”
“Dozens of rock fans smile and gesture at the camera minutes before the Bataclan Concert Hall massacre Became scene of horror when jihadis mercilessly gunned down their victims, even targeting people in wheelchairs. Shocking pictures later emerged showing bodies littered across the floor where those happy fans had once stood. Mourners gathered outside the venue today to observe minute’s silence held in France around the world for victims. Below is a photo of the satanic band playing
Eagles of Death in Action just moments before the slaughter

Galatians 6:7,8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

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