Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mid-East Prophecy Update, Bible Prophecy

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Below is a very important video from "We Are Change" from Luke Rudkowski. Luke reports that hours before the Paris attack Facebook stopped "Anonymous" from reporting who was recruiting ISIS fighters. Friends, remember Facebook was created by the CIA. It seems to me Anonymous was trying to do a good thing for us. 
Also two years ago ISIS captured the Syrian passport office in Raqaa, Syria. 
In 2013 President Assad of Syria said on 17 June 2013 that ISIS would spread to Europe through illegal immigration. Keep in mind, Obama. is admitting thousands of Syrian men without families. 
Another strange event occurred on 13 November when CIA and Mossad officials met with French security officials. It sounds like we have another "false flag" incident to divert French and western attention. 
On 7 July 2015 40 grenades, plastic explosives and 180 detonators were stolen from a French military base in Miramas, in southern France.

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Friends, I do not believe it is an accident that France was attacked. Anti-semitism has been rising in France. Anti-semitism and anti-Israeli policies cause breaches in nation's defenses that Islamic terrorists exploit.. 

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This is one of the best reports Pastor Farag gas given. Pastor Farag, before he was saved was into satanic music. He noted that a Satanic band "Eagles of Death Metal" was playing at the French concert in Paris when ISIS Muslim thugs slaughtered concert goers.

Bible prophecy revealed from Calvary Church, Melbourne, Australia. Since 9/11 there have been 27,269 terror attacks, overwhelmingly, most are Islamic.

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