Friday, October 16, 2015

Middle East Update 16 Oct. 2015 WR15-323


  1.  The UAE’s ambassador in Washington has hinted that his country is no longer bound by its commitment not to enrich uranium, as Iran is allowed to carry out such enrichment under its recent deal with Western powers, according to a senior American congressman "He told me, 'Your worst enemy has achieved this right to enrich. It's a right to enrich now that your friends are going to want, too, and we won't be the only country,'" said Rep. Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, regarding the recent comment made by Yousef al-Otaiba during a telephone call. However, the UAE embassy said that its official policy has not changed. In a 2009 agreement with the US, the UAE promised not to engage in uranium enrichment or the reprocessing of spent fuel to extract plutonium.
   2.  Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that his country had contacted Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries to discuss cooperation in the war against terror.
   3.  Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) on Friday morning called for the return of Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) to Israeli control. About 150 Palestinian Arabs on Thursday night arrived at the compound and tried to burn it down. Reportedly Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces dispersed the rioters by firing in the air, and then Palestinian firefighters put out the fire. Initial reports indicated that damage was inflicted to the women's prayer area. "The arson of one of the holiest sites to the Jewish nation is an additional low, and the result of Palestinian incitement," said Ariel. "Even as the Palestinians shamelessly lie about (Israel) harming the status quo on the Temple Mount, they themselves are burning and desecrating the holy sites of Israel, and this cannot be forgiven." Switching to a call for action, Ariel concluded by saying, "I call on the prime minister to return the control of Joseph's Tomb to the hands of Israel." Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman also responded to the incident, saying, "the arson of Joseph's Tomb tonight proves that the management of the Palestinian Authority is no different from that of ISIS (Islamic State), and after the Palestinian youths took machetes and knives to kill Jews now they're also burning holy places and historical heritage sites, just like ISIS members do to heritage sites of the human civilization in Iraq and Syria." "The arson at Joseph's Tomb by a Palestinian mob that was incited by the lies of (PA Chairman Mahmoud) Abbas and led by Fatah activists only raises the surprise over those who even today refuse to see the bloody writing on the burned walls which says that Abbas never was, is or will be a partner, and yet they still call and are ready to meet and speak with him." According to the 1994 Oslo Accords, Joseph's Tomb was supposed to remain under full Israeli control. But in 2000 amid the Second Intifada terror war, hoards of Arab rioters invaded the tomb - which housed a synagogue and a yeshiva - ransacked it and burned it to the ground, while parading Jewish holy books and desecrating them. Local Muslims later declared the site as a mosque, as the IDF reduced the Jewish presence to a once-monthly visit. Under previous agreements with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is required to protect Jewish holy sites under its control, and to allow secure access for Jewish worshipers. However, in 2011 Yosef Livnat was murdered at Joseph's Tomb by none other than PA policemen as he visited the holy site with fellow yeshiva students. Livnat was the nephew of former Minister Limor Livnat (Likud). The site has often been the target of firebombs and massive riots. The most recent attempt to burn it down took place in late July.
   4.  Dore Gold, director-general of Israel’s Foreign Ministry, said Friday that the burning of Joseph’s Tomb by a Palestinian mob overnight is reminiscent of the actions by Islamic extremists in areas stretching from Afghanistan to Libya. He added that it shows what would happen if the holy sites in Jerusalem were administered by the Palestinians, saying that only Israel is capable of protecting the holy sites of all religions in the city.
   5.  In Jerusalem, 6,000 police and soldiers are on guard for fresh Palestinian outbreaks of mob violence and terror attacks. Troops are standing by at potential flashpoints in Judea and Samaria.

   6.  Ahead of the UN Security Council session in New York Friday evening, King Abdullah of Jordan, Secretary of State John Kerry and the offices of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas are engaged in an intense effort to set up a top-level US-Israeli-Palestinian meeting to try and restore calm.

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