Thursday, October 29, 2015

Middle East Report Oct. 29, 2015

The Russian air force carried out heavy bombing attacks on Thursday morning, October 29, against rebel targets in southern Syria, including the Daraa area adjacent to the Golan. The loud explosions could be heard in the southern section of the Israeli side of the border.
Image result for Andrew Parker, director-general of Britain's MI5 intelligence service
Friends, get ready for another “false flag” attack because Andrew Parker, director-general of Britain's MI5 intelligence service, warned Wednesday that British jihadists are planning to carry out a major attack in the UK, saying that the treat was the most serious in his entire 32-year career. While delivering an annual defense and security lecture in London, he added that "More than 750 extremists from this country have travelled to Syria, and the growth in the threat shows no sign of abating."
Image result for Rafsanjani
The former president of Iran, Rafsanjani, said on Wednesday that his country has never given up its plan to develop a military nuclear program. He said in parallel to Iran's development of civilian nuclear facilities for peaceful purposes, the country has planned to build a nuclear bomb in response to the military threat against its people, and has never abandoned that plan.
Image result for John Kerry
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that Washington will increase both its diplomatic efforts and its aid to moderate rebel groups in order to put an end to the civil war and the "hell" in Syria.  The talks will be held Thursday in Vienna.
Image result for Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
A senior UN official said Wednesday in Jerusalem that Israelis and Palestinians will face a catastrophe if the ongoing wave of terror, including vehicular attacks and stabbings by Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank, does not end soon. Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said "The violence between Palestinians and the Israelis will draw us ever closer to a catastrophe if not stopped immediately."
Image result for David Cohen, deputy head of the CIA
Russia announced that it will receive intelligence information from the Lebanese air force as well as military, tactical and ground data from Hizbollah to boost its military operations in Syria. Lebanon's air force will provide Russia with data on its flights while Hizbollah is to inform Moscow of the locations of its positions and the movements of its fighters so the Russian military will not accidentally fire on them. The announcement came less than 24 hours after David Cohen, deputy head of the CIA, above, visited Beirut and met with senior Lebanese defense and intelligence officials to discuss the operational needs of the country's intelligence and security services.
Image result for Jane Kiel
Jane Kiel, a Danish pro-Israel activist better known as "Jerusalem Jane," managed to record the blatant discrimination she faced Wednesday morning at the Temple Mount, where Jordanian Waqf guards kicked her off the site for two months ago singing a prayer there. Kiel told Arutz Sheva she has complained to the police and contacted governmental ministers, but that her hopes are low that any action will be taken over the harassment she suffered. The incident occurred around 9:30 a.m., when she and a friend were simply visiting the holiest site in Judaism before a Waqf guard suddenly approached her and called her by name.

The guard can be seen in video from the incident telling her that the entire Mount is a "mosque," and saying that all prayer is illegal for non-Muslims in the entire compound. He played a recording of her singing the Shema Yisrael prayer at the Mount two months ago, and said "we waited two months for you." Demanding to see her ring with Hebrew writing on it, he termed her a "born again believer," and said "the only religious who can come here are Muslims, no Christians or Jews." The statement is a blatant violation of Israeli freedom of movement laws, not to mention the freedom of worship laws that the government has allowed the Waqf to breach for non-Muslims at the site. Prime Minister Netanyahu recently agreed to post video cameras on the Mount to help the Waqf ban Jews from exercising their right to pray at their holiest site. Jane revealed, "I filed a complaint to the police at Jaffa (Yafo) gate today, as I also did on that day when the Waqf guard took my phone and deleted all the messages and videos I had made." "They, the police are nice when I am in the office but they can’t really do much," she noted. Kiel has received countless death threats over the last ten months for documenting Muslim harassment of Jewish visitors to the holy site. She added that she has opened a complaint file with the police over the threats, but has yet to see any action taken on the matter.

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