Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Was The Pope's Real Agenda WR15-278

Image result for the papacy the false prophet

During his trip to the United States Pope Francis again called for the poor to have the “sacred rights” of labor, lodging and land.  The Pope also said this previously in Bolivia where he urged the downtrodden to change the world economic order, denouncing a “new colonialism” by agencies that impose austerity programs. This reminded me of what Lenin and the Bolsheviks said in 1917.  Peace! Land! Bread! This was the battle cry of the 1917 October Revolution – the cry of workers and peasants fed up with a failed system and the trials of World War I. Watch the interesting videos below about the Pope's agenda and remarks.

 Peace, Land, Bread

Former Roman Catholic, Greg Hunter blasts Pope Francis.

Steven Ben-Denoon - Why would the pope address the UN?

Steven Ben-DenoonThe Pope lays out his new world order.

Image result for the papacy the false prophet

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