Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Update on the Financial Shemitah WR15-254

Above, a cartoon from the 1934 Chicago Tribune; note Leon Trotsky in the lower left of the cartoon. Below, note "wipe out" date is 13 September. Below Greg Hunter interviews Jeff Berwick about the financial shemitah.

Ongoing Isaiah 17 prophecy Damascus a heap of ruins, the world on the brink of the Psalm 83 war; place 
a Psalm 91 hedge of protection around your family and possessions

14 July to 15 September JADE HELM 
(Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution and Homeland Eradication of Local Militants)

Month of Sept. Muslims believe the Mahdi returns

12 Sept. 28 Elul a prominent Jewish rabbi believes Messiah arrives  

13 Sept/29 Elul “wipeout date” peak of Shemitah

13 Sept partial solar eclipse, a warning to the world

13-14 Sept Rosh Hashanah (Jews believe Adam was created on this date, Eve on the 15th)

14 Sept Masonic Anno Lucis, year of light, begins year 5776

15 Sept 70th General Assembly of the UN convenes

(17 Sept 2001/Elul 29 DOW plunged 684 points
29 Sept 2008/Elul 29 DOW plunged 777 points; greatest 1 day crash in history) 

16-17 Sept US Federal Reserve will hold its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

20 Sept World Council of Churches marches against Israel

21 Sept UN Int’l Day of Peace – UNSC vote to establish Palestinian state? God says in the Bible in that day there will be peace safety

22 Sept Day of Arafat second day of Hajj/Gates of heaven open

23 Sept CERN begins the “Int’l Year of Light” demonic “Sesame” portal opened –Synchronization of light for Experimental Science and Application in Middle East in Jordan OPEN SESAME!   

23 Sept/10 Tishrei, Yom Kippur, the crucial year of the Jubilee begins

23 Sept Pope Francis meets Obama, 266th day of the year, Francis 266th pope. Could Francis and Obama create something? 266 days is the human gestation period

23-24 Sept Eid al Adha second holiest day for Muslims (Abraham offered Ishmael to Allah)

24 Sept Pope Francis addresses the U.S. Congress

24 Sept Fabius’ climatic abyss date; French foreign minister Fabius said on 13 May 2014, “We are on the edge of a climatic abyss; we have 500 days until climate chaos occurs.”

25 27 Sept Pope Francis opens UN “2030 Agenda” conference; the “2030 agenda” covers the entire planet, it is a “new universal agenda” for humanity and is far worse than “agenda 21” below the demonic portal @ Mt. Hermon

25-27 Sept Rave concert named “Tomorrow World” in Atlanta the themes: light, love and opening portals; held @ 33 degrees
latitude (33 degrees is a very important number for Luciferians and several catastrophes have happened @ 33 degrees. Below the 33 degree line of instability in the Middle East. 

27 Sept/14 Tishrei @ sunset Feast of Tabernacles begins

28 Sept/15 Tishrei last blood moon of this tetrad, eclipse will be seen Jerusalem; this lunar eclipse is a warning to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people

15 – 28 Sept asteroid UR116 will pass by or hit the Earth

2,3,4 Oct Feast of Tabernacles Prophecy and Spiritual Warfare Conference @ Christ the King Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

26 March 2016 (Passover) planet 7X passes by the Earth, 24 hours of darkness 

Image result for cern sesame

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