Friday, September 4, 2015

Carly Fiorina's Record of Deceit In Dealing With Iran WR15-257

Carly Fiorina's illegal dealings with Iran, during her tenure as CEO of HP, were exposed in the Boston Globe. which broke the story that Hewlett Packard had been selling its printers in Iran through a subsidiary company in Dubai, despite the fact that a trade embargo had been in place against the Iranian regime since 1997. The sales were halted shortly after the business dealings were published by the Globe.

Fiorina claimed no knowledge that the approximately $100 million of sales through the subsidiary were coming from Iran, despite having been HP CEO (since 2000) while it was happening.  An investigation by the San Jose Mercury News last year showed that Fiorina did know.
  • "Fiorina, in 2003, noted Middle East sales were defying global trends, and, as the Merc notes, HP's partner there issued a press release saying sales topped $100 million and that "the seeds of the Redington-Hewlett-Packard relationship were sowed six years ago for one market – Iran."
  • Three of the three HP partners in the Middle East contacted by Christopher Stewart for a story in Portfolio magazine's August 2008 issue readily agreed to ship printers to Iran. Portfolio notified HP of the incidents, but the company didn't condemn them, instead refusing comment. Fiorina was gone as CEO at this point, but Portfolio noted that diversion of American products to Iran through Dubai had been going strong for many years, while Fiorina was CEO.
  • HP had an office in the Dubai free-trade zones notorious for funneling American goods to Iran, Portfolio reported — so it had ample means to be aware of how its products were being shipped.
  • After the SEC noticed the prevalence of HP products in Iran, it asked the company about the matter, and got back a letter from the company saying its Dutch subsidiary sold $120 million to Iran in 2008.
  • Finally, in January 2009, HP severed ties with Redington Gulf, the distributor that had publicly bragged about its Iran trade six years earlier."
Chuck DeVore, who worked for the Reagan administration Commerce department on import issues, and also was an aerospace industry executive, says Fiorina's responses on the Iran deal are not credible.
"We've known for some time that throughout Fiorina's watch, Hewlett-Packard used Redington Gulf in Dubai — named after its co-founder, William Redington Hewlett — as a front company for the circumvention of U.S. export restrictions to the Islamic Republic of Iran. If Carly Fiorina tolerated that level of unethical business practices in the Middle East, it is sadly predictable that she would exercise the same moral laxity elsewhere.
"When confronted with this news, Fiorina will do what she always does: deny knowledge despite having been a famously micromanaging and bottom-line-oriented CEO." Fiorina was forced out of Hewlett Packard in 2005.
Carly Fiorina's Islam problem hasn't been widely reported, but it should be. And because the Muslim world still poses such a great threat to our National Security, it's important to at least take a few of her points and refute them, with the historical record:

Fiorina – "There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world. It was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and deserts."

The Facts – The Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), was an Islamic Caliphate…a form of Islamic government led by a Caliph, a person considered a political and religious successor to their prophet Muhammed and a leader of the entire Muslim community (Ummah). They, like all Islamic movements since Muhammed, invaded non-Muslim lands and took land, pillaged, raped, tortured and slaughtered…all with the same goal of conquering the entire earth for Islam. They slaughtered their way through Christian Europe for 500 years…hence the reason for the Crusades (see THE CRUSADES: A Direct Response To Islam's Bloodlust).

Fiorina – "Within its dominion lived hundreds of millions of people, of different creeds and ethnic origins. One of its languages became the universal language of much of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands. Its armies were made up of people of many nationalities, and its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known."The 

Facts – From 1894-1923, the Ottoman Empire conducted a policy of Genocide against the Christian population living within its extensive territory. The Sultan, Abdul Hamid, first put forth an official governmental policy of genocide against the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire in 1894. Systematic massacres took place in 1894-1896 when Abdul savagely killed 300,000 Armenians throughout the provinces. Massacres recurred, and, in 1909, government troops killed, in the towns of Adana alone, over 20,000 Christian Armenians.This particular falsehood of peace and prosperity and the impression that there was diversity and equality for many peoples, is appalling when we consider that we have just come upon the 100th remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, committed by the Ottoman Empire…might Ms. Fiorina like to apologize to the Armenian (also Bulgarian and Greek) Christians for her comments?

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