Sunday, August 9, 2015

Yeshua and the Holy Spirit Perform Another Miracle WR15-225


read the article below in conjunction with this linked article

Image result for CtK church cincinnati

CTK has been given ANOTHER church building!

by Pastor Michael Clary
In 2010, I led a team of people who love Cincinnati to plant Christ the King Church. In 2012, after two years of meeting in a Rec Center, Fairview Baptist Church voted to give us their building near the University of Cincinnati. The building has helped Christ the King Church grow and thrive in the Uptown area of Cincinnati. It was a tremendous blessing to be a two year old church plant with our own facility! In the three years since then, we have completely rehabilitated the building to fit the needs of a young and growing congregation.
In January of 2014, Christ the King Church planted our second campus in the eastern Cincinnati neighborhood of Mt. Washington. Over the past year and a half, we have grown steadily and has made great efforts to become an asset to the community. It quickly became clear that space was an issue in the Rec Center where we were currently meeting and our options were limited. Pastor Dustin began looking for a new space but soon realized that the Rec Center was the only reasonable option he had.
In May of 2014, Pastor Dustin Nimmo sent this prayer request to the congregation.
Every door we’ve tried to open has been closed. In light of the text from this past Sunday, I’ve felt compelled to invite all of us to begin to pray in the way the Scriptures have commanded us to pray: ‘Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ’ (Colossians 4:2-3) – Pray for an open door. Literally pray for an open door to a new space that can accommodate more people……..Pray for a major financial gift. Pray for the situation to change at the school. Pray for the rules to change at the Rec Center. Pray for a place that hasn’t been available previously to fall into our laps. Pray more than anything that God would open the door and we would be faithful to follow Him in obedience.
We prayed earnestly for a year regarding our space issues. Little did we know, Eastern Hills Baptist Church was five miles away and also praying regarding their future. Eastern Hills Baptist Church has been in decline for the past several years, and had been praying for God to move in their congregation.
In late April of this year, we received a call from the head Deacon (Your Watchman on the Wall) of Eastern Hills Baptist Church. He was calling because he had gotten wind of Christ the King’s need for space and wanted to explore how Christ the King and Eastern Hills might work together. We were overwhelmed by this prospect, especially because we couldn’t believe this could happen twice!
On June 14, 2015, Eastern Hills Baptist church voted unanimously to give their building CTK and join us. It is exciting to see CTK’s congregation, with a median age of 30 years old, join with Eastern Hills Baptist Church, who has a median age of 70. Our churches couldn’t be more excited to see what God is going to do through us and we’re praying for many years of ministry that awaits us on the east side of Cincinnati! It is clear that God is providing for the needs of all of us in a way that gives Him all the glory.
This building is located at 5825 Islington Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45227.

August 2nd, 2015, at 10am will be our first service in the new location.
On 2,3 and 4 October CtK will host its annual prophecy and spiritual warfare conference. The keynote speaker will be Russ Dizdar.

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