Monday, August 10, 2015

Syria's Assad Losing War To Sunni Terrorists WR15-227

Syria is the key to the prophecies in Isaiah 17, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39. The Russian, Syrian and Iranian military alliance is critical. The Illuminati and their agent, Obama, have caused massive de-stabilization in the Middle East and the Levant and it is going to get worse. Again the Illuminati wants to pilfer the massive deposits of oil and natural gas sitting off Syria's coast in the eastern Mediterranean. The Bible tells us that Israel's enemies are jealous and will invade to loot and plunder Israel's wealth.
Islamic terrorists have regained control of several villages in northwest Syria from government forces and have advanced beyond them, edging closer to the critical coastal stronghold of President Bashar al-Assad.
The Islamic terrorists are fighting Assad’s forces in the villages on the Sahl al-Ghab plain, which lies close to the city of Hama. This region is crucial to the defense of coastal mountains that are the heartland of Assad's minority Alawite sect.
The Islamic Terrorists' 'Army of Fatah' alliance includes al Qaeda's Syrian wing, the Nusra Front, the Islamist Ahrar al-Sham group and other factions.
the Islamist terrorists’ counter-offensive had forced the Syrian army to withdraw from such villages as Mansoura, Zeyara and Tal Waset (see map above)toward bases northwest of Hama city.
Seven government warplanes and helicopters carried out 80 strikes on the villages located on the plain.
A source close to the Syrian government confirmed the terrorist advances in the area.
The Islamic terrorists have made gains in several parts of Syria in recent months, including capturing most of Idlib province to the northeast of the Sahl al-Ghab plain.
Last month Assad alluded to military setbacks when he said the army had been forced to cede some areas in order to hold onto more important ones

A quarter of a million people have died and more than 10 million driven from their homes in Syria's four-year Sunni Shia war that has left large swathes of the country in the hands of Islamic State terrorists and the Army Fatah alliance. 

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